
Why do old men love steam rooms?

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It seems like old men always like steam rooms.




  1. It's like a 1,000 mile checkup - rejuvenation!

  2. a steam room is healthy for all ppl old and young...

  3. i think because they dont have to do anything. they can say they are going to the gym and make people think they are all strong and mighty. but when they get there they just sit in there and relax.

  4. it tightens their skin

  5. Men simply love to STEAM...

  6. Many people of all ages the world over love steam rooms.

    Old men have more time to spend in them, as they're retired, and it's a social scene for them.    It's more customary in many countries to use steam rooms, and look at the saunas in Scandinavia; they're used by all ages, and judging from the Scandinavian complexion, we Americans would benefit from using steam rooms more often to clean out our pores.

  7. Several reasons come to mind, and some other possibilities as well. Most people do it for the health benefits, and the older the person, the more likely they are trying to stay healthy and the more aware they are of what they should be doing to do so. In some cultures, the steam room is also a social scene. Saunas in Nordic countries are used by everyone especially in the winter where they use the sauna and then go out in the snow and roll in the snow. Or take a dip in ice cold water. Then back to the sauna. Another reason may also be for the g*y older men- or not so old- the steam room is fun for cruising, or just for "eye candy." But that is done everywhere for the g*y men, so it is not as though the steam room is a haven for homosexual men. It's just another possible reason that guys like to be there. Young or old.

  8. For many, the steam tends to loosen the knots and kinks in joints that come with old age, but this is something that a lot of "old men" don;t do

  9. I don't know.. I don't mind them and I'm not old at all.

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