
Why do old people, or people who don't work always use the bank / post office between the hours of 12 - 2?

by Guest60094  |  earlier

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Is it just me or does this pss anyone else of?




  1. I guess since you know this to be true, you must fit into one of those catagories yourself.

    What a waste of time your statement is. Get a real life.

  2. NO not always the case i work nights and only sleep to midday when i wake i sometimes need to go to post office for posting items on eBay.

  3. after lunch and just before people come out of your right always happens to me as well

  4. i think we are creatures of habit.  when they were younger they got used to going to the post office  / bank to conduct your business during  your  lunch hour because you would never do that on company time.  my opinion is that people just don't stop and think about when their life changes that some of their habits could change too.  i think that many people are guilty of this though and not just the older crowd.  if you have gone to disneyworld you will learn there are usually two lines to everything .  most people go to the right one.  lefts are usually shorter waiting time.  also, it is interesting that they study the park , traffic patterns and know that most people start at the front of the park nearest where you enter and work their way back.  they suggest going backwards to save time.  you would start at the furthest away rides and work your way back to the front of the park.  the rides near front .  most people don't show up at the park at 7 pm to start , so those rides near the front are less busy at  night than they are in the am.

  5. short fuse you have , so why are you there at those times ehhh ?? go before or after if your annoyed that easily jeezzzzzzzz !

  6. Because there's nothing on telly at that time.

  7. Maybe that is when they crawl out of bed? Maybe it's annoying or maybe I am just jealous!

  8. People who don't work wake up at 12 so they go down to the post office to pick up their giros. As for old people they wake up at the crack of dawn but it takes them half a day just to walk up to the top of the road to the post office.

    Also I think they do it to p**s people off!!!

  9. lay abouts- i like that term! funny

  10. prolly because they dont have a job and get bored during the afternoon.

  11. Yes it's fncking irritating when you try to make it there on lunch break and are time limited. You notice that they always have to have a long conversation with the workers as well! People be a little more considerate for the people who have **** to do!!

  12. Two things -- first of all, how do you know the people standing in line at the bank don't work (do they have a sign around their neck - "stay at home mom" or "Mr. Mom"); second, just because a person is old doesn't mean they don't work.  Most working people get the lunch breaks between the hours of 12:00 and 2:00 p.m. so that's when they try to run their many errands since places like banks and the post office close at the same time they get off from work.

  13. because the post office is close to the MCL where they just had lunch

  14. Because they all get up at 10am get a bus at 11am and badger you and people like you from 12 -2pm and be home by 3pm

  15. Maybe its there lunchtime too!! But yes i do get annoyed when old people and students (even though i am one myself) clog up the banks,building societies and post offices between those hours. However as a student i do have the luxury of being able to go 1ST thin in the morning or after the 12-2 rush!!! But as a student i also have no money!!!

  16. They start off at 8, and it takes them that long to get there on their Zimmer, then they need a couple of hors to remember where to go back to.

  17. old people suck in general. They cant drive, they move slow, and they think its ok to talk to people they dont know about things that have no interest in conversation..... I am with you

  18. AM or PM?????

  19. To deliberately annoy us! Good question!

  20. How do you know they don't work?

    What I hate is when bank staff go on their breaks just when the queue starts getting long during the busy lunch period.

    Now THAT pisses me off.


  21. I suppose most people think it will be quieter in the Bank / Post office lunch time they assume everyone is having their lunch so these places should be empty

  22. Younger people have just got out of bed and older people take till 12 to get their zimmers oiled

  23. Because they don't wanna see stupid kids in the post office.  Cuz theyre in school.

  24. To annoy the people who are in such a hurry.

    We oldies need a bit of fun of some sort.

  25. Thanks for posting this question.  I can't agree with you more about retired and unemployed people using restaurants, banks and post offices to fulfill their needs at the most annoying times of the day!

    I work full time and take my one hour lunch period from 12-1pm.  My boss prefers that I take it at that time because I usually am the only one in the office to handle the phones.  I cannot tell you how much it annoys me how many people who "look" like they don't have a thing to do or are older and retired with a lot of time on their hands.  They then decide that they are hungry exactly at 12 noon and tie up the restaurants, whether it be fast food or higher end, or decide they have a package to mail that just can't wait one hour!  

    I need to drive to a restaurant, order, hope the food arrives to my table in enough time to devour it, pay the bill, get back in my car, and now drive behind these retired traffic cloggers to get back to my job on time....and all in one hour!

    I will say  that anyone has a right to eat their meals or mail their letters or deposit their pension checks at the bank at any time they want.  But I know that when I am off work on the weekends, I purposely go out of my way to eat dinner at 4pm for instance on a Saturday, to avoid the crowds.

    If you want to know as a side note, what really gets in my "crawl" are the school kids in the area I work, that get out of school close to 1pm, and then go hang out in the local fast food restaurants.  They don't order food or drink, just sit at the tables, tag the tables with grafitti, and talk with a foul mouth.  And all I want to do is read my newspaper in peace and quiet!

    Thanks again for your question and try to enjoy your day today!

  26. They want to get everything done in the early hours and be home in time for dinner at 3pm

  27. why not? Maybe it's when they get out of the house.

  28. coz there off to collect there pension or dol money.xx

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