
Why do old people take bingo so seriously??

by Guest31730  |  earlier

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I went to bingo last night with some friends and we were by far the youngest ones there by like 60 years...haha. it was soo funny but the old people got so mad about it. why do they take it so seriiously. we thought that it was a social activity for them, but they all sat in silent. the only noise was their stampers against the bingo boards...crazyiness!




  1. idk..i think that it is just something for them to do

  2. nothing better to do except lose thier dentures

  3. they like it because it's fun and silent

  4. because they have nothing else to do....

    it's really weird cuz there is like always more old people than younger people.!!!!! :)

  5. I don't know... I guess when you've been through it all you don't need adventure, activity, excitement.

  6. because its the only thing in their lives

  7. because there is a price DUH

  8. money and prizes

  9. I won a $15,000 bingo game at the Indian Reservation.

    Does that answer your question?

  10. It's not just the elderly that take bingo so seriously. There can be big bux with this game. It's even huge online and the the biggest group that plays it is the "younger" group of people that play it.

  11. By the time you are old enough to want to sit and play Bingo all night HATE most other human being because you have come, through experience to realize what jerks most people are.

    But humans are group animals and need to be around others to feel comfortable. Bingo meets these needs.

    You can be with people and have a minimal amount of interaction with others but still be there, in the group, doing something.

    Course, most jerks need to get angry, to show emotion so they know they are still alive. So losing will give you that expereince you can always blame God for giving you bad luck and unfulfilling numbers. That's satisfying too.

    And you young WIPPERSNAPPERS better believe ...BINGO is SERIOUS business!

  12. bingo freakin owns.

  13. Keep on living, "Young" Lady, and one day you're going to take bingo seriously too.

  14. lol cuz they are old and they have nothing better to do than to try to win money!

  15. You can win a lot of money playing bingo.

  16. it passes the time.

  17. Their weird.

  18. maybe because you and ur friends were cramping their style and being morons... and prolly acting immaure.

  19. They have nothing better to do and can win money.

  20. Its a game were 2/15 people win some money, and money keeps the food on the table, as well as the house for the table.

  21. LOL !!!

    there just trying to hear thats why its so silent lol.

  22. Old people LOVE Bingo! I used to work with old folks, and yes....its their life line. Im not sure why. This old witch I used to work for would scream at anyone who spoke while she called Bingo (even a poor mentally retarted girl)

    Must be a generational thing.

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