
Why do older women hunt for their money at the very end of a sale transaction?

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You know you've seen them. The clerk tells them the total, and only then do they go searching for change and coupons and such... Why do older women DO that? Is it just to p*ss the rest of us off?




  1. Not only older woman. Kids in with friends talking to them, parents in with kids who give the money to the kid to pay (ANNOYING - less work to just hand it to the cashier yourself). Those older men who like to bag their groceries themselves.

  2. Older women, specially living on a limited income have to watch out every penny they spend - specially the prices moving upwards at a very short time interval.

  3. It's not just older woman  that do that.....It's women of all ages !

    I am an older woman and I see it everyday .It's a phenomenon

    that cannot be explained  ...but it is annoying.

  4. They do it so I'll reach in my pocket and give the clerk 12 cents. they get to feel all warm and fuzzy inside and I get to be the hero in line that got rid of that moments dilemma.

  5. They were never Boy Scouts with the motto, "BE PREPARED".

  6. most of the time they're making sure the correct price is charged. they're not focused on multi-tasking.

  7. top man - i make you right hehe

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