
Why do olympic divers always go to the little shower or spa post dive? the swimmers, waterpolo etc don't?????

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Why do olympic divers always go to the little shower or spa post dive? the swimmers, waterpolo etc don't?????




  1. Michael Phelps is the man.

  2. Its because they are babies and the water is cold, but you dont see swimmers doing that. Cause werre tough grrr...!!!

  3. The swimmers and water polo players are doing strenuous activities and the divers just dive and then wait.

    All pools are de-humidified so the spectators do not sweat during the sporting event.

    The divers go to a hot tub to stay warm and stay limber.

  4. This is because the water temp. is 10 degrees cooler than the air temp. so divers are showering to keep their muscles loose. Swimmers and water polo players don't need to because their body temp is heaten up by the activity they are doing

  5. the divers have to cool down and they swim over and over all day .. unlike water polo which isn't taking much energy and isn't played by the same person over and over  

  6. divers do that to probley relax thier bodies, just like swimmers after an event get in a cool down pool or take a hot shower.they do it  to get ready :)

  7. Laura Wilkinson the gold medal winner of the 2000 games told me that it was to keep their muscles warm and loose between dives. Same reason they sit in the hot tub that is next to the showers. It has nothing to do with the chlorine in the water. She will be diving this Saturday.

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