
Why do olympic divers shower after going into the pool??

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Why do olympic divers shower after going into the pool??




  1. the keep thier muscles warmed up, or some go in the hot tub.

    when you get out of the water you get really cold, so they stay warm before their next dive.

  2. They shower to keep their muscles warm.

  3. It is because the water in the shower is slightly colder than the pool water.  They want to get used to the cold so that they aren't surprised out of formation by the water temperature.   Water entry is a big factor in judging, especially the part about making sure that you still rotate once under the water.  If the cold water surprised you you might enter the water differently than you were supposed to and lose points.

    Keeping their muscles warm is part of it too.

  4. because people pee in the pool

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