
Why do only old white men protest the Planned Parenthood? Why are there hardly ever any women?

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I pass by everyday, and there are always elderly white men protesting. I feel like it must to be some sort of Freudian obsession with young girls? I don't know much about Catholicism or Freudian psychology, but I can't imagine there are that many more Catholic men than Catholic women in the Catholic church. Nor can I imagine the men stay home to protest while the women are the working breadwinners.

Anyone have any idea?




  1. In my opinion, I feel it is more of a conditioned egoic control issue..."I must force upon you what I believe..." is pretty much the mentality.  Suppressing womyn's rights and our God-given sexuality has been the way of life for older men in control for so many millenniums that it has been deemed common practice.  Unconsciously, submission is what they are conditioned to expect and controlling procreation is a way to make them feel superior in the realm of child-bearing.  

    How omniscient one must feel to be forcing their belief system upon others.  "Doing God's work"...or "saving babies"...some people say,  but I will not be so naive to think, I know the inner weaving of some Divine Plan.  Wouldn't the Source of Life know, more than I could understand, why these souls attracted these lesson into their life?  I sure would think so...

  2. I think they are so full of hate that they want to protest anything possible...logical or illogical. I have wondered this for a long time, but no one will ever answer honestly.

  3. They're saving babies.

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