
Why do only some of my emails come up during searches? I see them in my inbox but they dont come up in search?

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I have email in my inbox that I can open and read. However, If I search for this it does not come up in search results. For example, If I have 3 emails with the work apple in them and I run a search only 2 of the 3 will come up as search results, despite the fact that all 3 are in my inbox... Any help is greatly appreciated.




  1. Well it takes a bit to regersteir any emails sent to your box , its best to file them your self so you know your self where they are and do not have to keep up with yahoo's confuson i suggest makeing a file with the name like for Work Apple emails, file name WOrk Apple

    see its easy ^^ an is alot easier too

    good luck hope it all works out for ya


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