
Why do other countries always b!tching at americans?

by Guest32586  |  earlier

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and then do a d**n thing themselves? I mean why is it that all these countries are always "americans this americans that" always complaining about why we're in iraq instead of sudan... well b!tches why doesn't someone else go to sudan. why does it always have to be americans to the rescue. we always get critized for trying to help countries (like somalia in 92, vietnam, korea) but the rest of the world (like europeans and asians) don't do a d**n thing to help with those countries in need. they just sit on their lazy *** and expect us to do it, knowing it will be too much for us, and then taunt us.

Why can't these other wealthy countries help out with "worthy" causes like sudan... EVER?




  1. it is because of america's imperial policy of invade and rule and steal oil

  2. you know nothing

    nobody wants the USA help is just that the USA has the do everthing they think they own the world when they don't.And they also spy on everysingle thing and Have to make people mad.

    look at yourself you probley don't know anything.because of the USA propaganda. why didn't the USA just let the communist do what they wanted? other countries don't do anything?look at the UK and canada you should be happy they went to Iraq and afghanistan to help you out.And rember Hurricane Katrina guess who help the USA Mexico help them by senting soldirs to help out so.

    so why are you saying thier lazy?

    look back at world war 1 the USA did nothing till 1917 they only foght for 1 year while othe countrie foght for 4 years.

    And in world war 2 USA couldn't win the war by it self but the UK and USSR help out.

    so next time know what you are saying

  3. To touch on what Baba said, we don't have an "imperial" policy. America will occasionally setup governments (not always though) or constitutions (we wrote Japan's constitution, but they still govern their own country), but for the most part we will blow things up, drop some CARE packages, then leave.

    The reason America is targeted is because we are in the spot light. We are the star quarterback of the varsity team. Everyone else in school has their own personal problems, but if the star quarterback does something stupid, all eyes are on him and he continually gets insulted as if he's worse than Hitler. If he doesn't s***w up, people start to resent him because they think he has it made. If they hate America so much, they can just stop using our the internet, lol.  

  4. Because IT assumes itself as a Leader of World. But the fact is, Others should accept IT as a Leader.

  5. It's because of Bush!

  6. They think that we're trying to control people and that we think we're better which is ridiculous. Just because we'll help anyone that needs help we think we're better?? And they actually think this war is about oil even though we're over there training their military forces and police so they can regain control before our troops pull out of there.

    EDIT: Thomas is absolutely right.

  7. Because they are stupid enough to think that their government is actually going to HELP the other people.

    Doesnot P.C. sound familiar?!! Oh, yes, he sounds EXACTLY like the colonists of the 18th and 19th century and their "white man's burden".

    Just a question, did you hear a thank you from: Vietnam? Korea? Afghanistan? Iraq? …etc. etc. etc. That’s because those people are not grateful for having their country invaded, their people killed, their national wealth stolen, their dignity and freedom stomped over and their whole country destroyed by someone that was never invited in the first place.

    No, Americans were never invited – no one wants an occupier.

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