
Why do parent take the easy way out?

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spank is the only sloution i keep seeing on here. You know there are others ways to displain a child?




  1. I've found spanking to be most effective when it is accompanied by an action word.  

    The next time I see a spanking coming on, I use the action word and it usually discourages the behavior.  If my daughter continues with the bad behavior, she gets a spanking with the action word.  She's only 2, but has caught-on pretty well.

  2. it's unacceptable to hit anyone, taking away privaleges is best, being firm and consistant is the most important thing.. dont make empty threats.

  3. It's hardly the easy way out.  There are many ways to effectively discipline children, but I'm sorry spanking *is* a good legitimate way.  I'm not talking about beating on your child but one or two firm swats on a covered backside.  Spanking is not the only solution on this message board or in our home.  We use many methods, not just spanking.

    I think taking the easy way out is sitting there expecting the behavior to go away on it's own by ignoring it or just letting your kids run wild and not caring.

  4. When you have children, you'll know.  Kids are basically evil and only appreciate physical discipline.  Strangely, as long as there are no permanent injuries, kids who receive corporal punishment seem to enjoy being with their parents more than kids who have no discipline.  At least, that is what the University of Wisconsin published.

  5. I don't spank ever.

    But I also don't agree with spanking is always the easy way out and I am sure that others agree.

    EDIT: Thanks, I adore her... that's my 2.5 year old. Pity my 15 year old is not so cute anymore!! LOL.

  6. There is a difference between a spanking and a beating.  I was spanked as a child when I did bad things, I turned out fine.  Yes, it shouldn't be used all the time for punishment, just when a child does something really bad.  

  7. spanking is not the easy way out... and parents (most atleast) hate to spank.. cause they cant stand the crying and its pretty hard to hold a child in one spot... but they do it cause some children wont learn the other ways... if you ground them.. its an excuse to sleep

    if you take away their games... more computer time

    take away their computer... more time outside...

    no outside... more time inside to sleep...

    more chores... so what... i'll do it when i feel like it

    you tell them now.. they say ok and walk away...

    you tell them go now... they do half of it...

    see for most kids who get spankings... its cause they are smart enough to find a way to slack off no matter what

    but there are the kids who respond to it...

    like those who cant live a day with out their cell...

    take it away and they'll do anything for it back

    cant live without computers..

    take the power cords... they'll die if they have to...

    you can tell what type of child you have at age two... if you notice they act up and you take their two and they get worse and finally calm down... you'll notice that you may be able to punish them like that... but if they just ignore the fact you will realize that they may not respond to it... but keep giving it a try till school starts because once school starts they learn their friend tricks and it gets worse

    And if you ever notice... when a kid is abused.. as in beatings for no reason.. and no explantion as to why it was given are the ones who don't respect their parents... the ones who are told why they got a beating are the ones that you give em that look and they'll stop.. and if you beat them.. who's name will they cry??? yours.. why cause your their protector and they know they did something wrong... and they wont walk all over... some of the ones who dont get beatings will curse out their mother in publix... or walmart .. or whatever store... and the most their mother will do is walk away and tell them their grounded.. or better yet yell it at them so they tell you they dont give a c**p... but once you have a kid you'll realize what really goes on

  8. they have no brain. threy just treat there kids the way they were treated. they have stress and htey have medical problems. they do not understand their children and their children are hurt by this. these parents think by spanking, the kids will stop but giving other punishments are helpful. like taking away tv for a month or phone or candy of playtime or something like this. but not spanking.

  9. Yeah many turn to the spanking because the feel it "controls" their child better.  Really it just causes them to fear you not respect you there is a difference but some people are so stubborn that they just can't see the truth of it all.  My boys respond so much better to timeouts/calm down periods, loosing priveledges and stuff like that.  When they are behaving better i reward them with stuff but when they are having behavioral problems they know i will not put up with it at all and they will not get anything.  I know my youngest son has his obsessions with computer games and cartoons and if he is having a day where he just doesn't want to mind then he is grounded from both until he can calm down and listen.  I rarely have to do that anymore.  He is 3 1/2.  My oldest son likes to go fishing and golfing with his pappy or go swimming with his cousins but if he has behavioral problems then he is forbidden to do that until he can act better.  That works just fine with them.

  10. California: Actually the University of Wisconsin published a paper that stated spanking can cause sexual problems in the future.

    6 Bean On Board: I love you. you always make such good sense. You can spank me anytime!

    Although I believe that spanking can be a good thing and for the one getting spanked is a h**l of a lot better than getting grounded or stuff taken away (my opinion and experience) I totally agree that it is a cop out and not very effective with small children.  It doesnt take a lot of brains to hit a little kid, but its quite a challenge trying to come up with ways to reason with a little child successfully. Yes, little kids do understand reason.

  11. The easy way out?  Only a non parent  or one who hasn't been a parent for very long would say that.  Anyone who's been doing this thing called parenthood for longer than a year ( less time needed for some, more time needed for others) knows that NOTHING about parenthood is easy....especially disciplining...with or without spanking.

    And yes, most parents do use other forms of discipline also.

  12. Spanking is the result of weak parenting.  I have a 10 yr old daughter and a 4 yr old son, never once have I had to spank them.  Whats my secret, I dont know, just lucky I have great kids I suppose.

    When I have to get on my kids though, as I talk to them, I insist they look me in the eyes.  I try to block out everything going on around them so they focus on what I am saying to them.  My stern talk includes what happened, what did they do wrong, and why it is wrong.  You have to start this at a young age though or it wont work.  And work on getting your talks short, clear, and to the point.  Avoid big words above their school level too.

  13. grounding, talking to them, clean the house do all chores well that's wat i do wen i get in trouble

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