
Why do parents allow the teens to drink?

by  |  earlier

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and then they buy them a car and they go and kill everybody in the d**n car




  1. I have a sister who is this way i can only tell you what she said to me and that was i would Rather let them do it in my face than behind my back.she said so that she could keep an eye on them. She also host a sweet sixteen birthday party for her daughter and bought the beer.... I don't think its right but that's whats on her mind...And she also feels sorry for her daughter so see bought her a car ...But she hangs with her friends too... She even made out with 18 yr old. she is 38.

  2. They just dont care once they start you kinda care and you tell them to stop. Parents dont put on limits. Im about 13 years old and my mom dosnt allow me to hang out with out of control kids that party and act ghetto or who are just pure ignorant. And after a while they just give up. Some children abuse there parents. like we have wild neigbors. tehy had a party at like 2 am my mom went out there and cursed them out and they left lol she dosnt tollerate nothing.

  3. Well. because some parents are drunks just like their kids :)

    They let the teen take control for some reason

  4. My parents would let me drink as long as I was at home where they could watch me. And I'm not out of control.

  5. My parents let me drink although I might have been a little different I drank with them and I probably only went to a few parties in high school which they picked me up and dropped me off...I don't really drink much now not really into it and its really not that fun I am 21 now and my parents let me drink at 15....They did a good thing for me I think... I realized well my parents let me drink and I don't have to sneak out whats the fun of that so I didn't really drink or rebel... I would say it worked on me but I think most parents get to caught up in trying to be there friend and lose that responsible thing they got to keep up with there kids... I am a great person I think I am only 21 married happily have a awesome job still going to school and trying for kid # 1...

  6. I think its because parents know that their kids are going to do it anyway so they might as well let them do it at home where they will be safe. However, its still not a great idea and allowing teens to drink at your house and then get in a car and drive is just stupid and unfortunately there are a lot of stupid parents out there. I let my 3 yo daughter drink but only in the backyard and in the house so the neighbors cant see her. And we always make sure she doesnt ride her big wheel or her babie jeep after/during. LOL!!! See how stupid it sounds???

  7. they assume if they offer the "drinks" at home, the kids wont go out and drink and drive. Boy are they wrong. I personally will NOT provide alcohol of anykind to my kids or their friends. not now or ever. When they become over 21 and they bring their own, car keys will be taken away and I will make sure they get home. ALIVE

  8. its only teenage waste land only tenage wasteland.. there all WASTED/

  9. i think its because its uncool to be parents so they try and be friends, unaware they are s******g their kids up for life!!

  10. Because parents want to be friends, more than parents.  I would never encourage my children to drink......but give them that trust so they would make a resposible decision to call me if he was ever in a situation, where he had been drinking.  My son would know the consequenses if he were to even to take a drink.  Kids dont have any type of respect's the parents fault..because they need to guide their children, to teach them how to respect and teach them morals, and's just not happening anymore.

  11. Because they are trying to be "cool!" Instead, they are really being irresponsible parents and endangering their children's lives.

  12. my parents let me only when i am around them and they give it to me. and it is only a little bit at partys and stuff. and i dont do it other wise becasue i no i could turn out like other people killing people. but people who let them drink and go get drunk and kill people i think is crazy!

  13. Because they are ignorant and they think if they allow them to drink at home then they will demistify the whole drinking thing and their kids won't go out and drink at parties. They are kidding themselves. That's like saying you don't want your kid to ever rob a bank so you are going to do it with them so they won't go do it with friends instead LOL sad but some parents ARE that ignorant.

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