
Why do parents bame video games for everything?

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my parent thinks that action video games are bad when i think that nothing is bad about them i think she is just being unreasonable and overprotective. I tried being reasonable but she refuses to let me play "violent" video games. She says the encourage anger and that she is trying to protect me but there is nothing to protect from they say that they want to be happy so why won't they play some regular video games?




  1. Well she is kinda right because in some cases violent video games do influence violence in real life. For example, two 10 year olds played GTA vice city and then they kidnapped a 2 year old, killed him, and put him on a railway track to make it look like an accident...

    But it just depends if you give in to peer pressure very easily etc... and if you follow trends and stuff like a sheep

    So your mom is right but still games like GTA are the most fun lol

    And parents just use video games as a reason for everything bad u do

  2. well maybe they just want the best for there children and dont want them watching and playing all that violent stuff its like giving a 2 yr old a lighter is that bad to you?YEAH!SO JUST HAVE A SIT DOWN TALK WITH THEM!sorry caps

  3. Video games can kind of influence the minds of younger children who often can't tell fiction from reality. Of course a parent could take the time to teach the difference but that would take work.

    After you reach a certain age where you understand the concepts it won't really effect you that much, though there are studies being conducted about video games desensitizing children to violence. I honestly think video games get a bad rap when people usually have no objections to kids watching movies and tv that are just as bad.

    She's probably just trying to protect you. Eventually you will be old enough to buy all the violent games you want. Until then her rules are her rules.

  4. it's because they didn't teach their children right from wrong, or fact from fiction, and then when their children play video games and act out imaginary stories in real life, the parents blame the games for this because they didn't raise their children right in the first place.  but sometimes it's not the parents fault, so much as it can also be the friends that one holds, or other influences.  either way, when i sit down and play gta iv, i don't think about going outside, punching an old lady in the face, stealing her car, and then gunning down police officers, i enjoy playing the game, and it relieves stress, and that's that.  the first fps i played was doom, and i'm not out with a shotgun mowing down people on the streets, so what's wrong with these few people who do such stupid things.

  5. btw PS3 is way better then the $hit box please fix me!!!!

  6. As a parent , I think blaming video games for violence is one lame excuse , for not doing your job as a parent.

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