
Why do parents care if you get piercings! i need a parents point of view?

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its your life and your body.

i know they made you but come on, you have to cut the cord eventually.

at 15, were not babies anymore.

its not like im smoking/drinking/partying with random people and doing bad things. and its not like once i get it my shirt will be up all the time. its only for like when i wear a bathing suit and its for me cause its something i like.

why does my mom care if i get my belly button pierced!

she says i have to wait at least a year but wtfff.

she gets me so maddd!

because last year she told me i could get it done when im 15, and 15 and now she says next year!

im about ready to go get it done behind her back.

from a parents point of view, can you explain to me why you guys care so much?




  1. First of all it is foolish to do something behind your mother's back.  At 15 you are hardly an adult.  You are barely a teenager.  Respect your mother.  In this over sexualized world you don't need to give her one more reason to worry about something going wrong.  I say if it's below the neck, it's not getting pierced and if it's on the face it's not getting pierced.  Once you are 18 then you are an adult and then you have the freedom to pierce what ever you please.  But you are not an adult yet.  

    We care so much because we don't want our children making bad choices or choices they may one day regret or even get them into a bad situation.  Respect your mother.  She loves you and has your best interest at heart.

  2. Its a parents job to protect their children..

    She is just protecting you because later on in life you might not want it ..

    She isnt being mean to you , she is doing what she thinks is best..

    Being a parent is hard..

    when you get older you will figure it out..

    We dont just make rules to make them.

    We do it with your best interist in mind.

  3. Because like it or not 15 is still a child. And there are many reasons a parent may say NO. Inf!ections and medical issues being number 1 in my mind.

  4. they look at it as a shame to them if u get that and someone older that they know find out they are afraid that the finger is going to be pointed at them in the end, like u let your daughter get a piercing it just goes against everything that they are about and dont understand that the peircing is just meant to be a fashion statement when they think of piercings they think of weirdows and crazy ppl with them and afterall they wouldnt want there daughter to be like that

  5. My parents let me get whatever piercings I wanted now I have my lower lip and monroe and there are big holes there and Ive had them out for 2 years... so its never gonna heal its so ugly on me face it bothers me every day.... so think 5x b4 u get it!

  6. Not a parent...yet...but if you go and get it done behind her back, and then she finds out she will probably end up never trusting you again. Also, she probably just thinks its a phase and you will grow out of it and change your mind. You probably should just sit down with her and talk to her one-on-one and tell her, and explain to her that its something you really want, and you pay for it...not her.

  7. Behind her back will only make you appear more "rebellious" and less responsible to make a decision like that.  The best think you can do is show your responsiblity by sitting down with her like an adult and talking about why she is nervous or has decided to say no.  You have to do it carefully so as not to let her feel like you are fighting about it.  You want her to know that you respect her decision but are curious as to why she feels the way she does.  In the end if you can accomplish that she will hopefully feel that you have the right to express your reasons for wanting one as well.  If you have truly listened to her with an open heart hopefully she will do the same for you.  Then you should try to decide together when you can do it.  Hopefully if you stick to your end of the bargain she will stick to hers.  Even if it is wait another year then just do it and don't even talk about it around her till the appointed time.  This gives you more of a stand, it shows you have been patient twice if that makes sense.

    Because you asked for opinions I will give you mine but remember you mother may have a totally different take on it and really only hers matters in your situation.

    As a parent the belly button would not bother me that much.  Other than I would tell my girls that it may be a waste of money and time while they are young.  Most girls will have children at some point in their lives and when the skin stretches this causes the piercing to look awful or tears completely out.  Some women can keep the piercing through the duration of pregnancy but all most everyone has to take it out.   If they want it later, then they will usually have to redo it through scar tissue and it hurts much more.  

    That is what happened to me I had to have it redone after pregnancy now one of the scars is above the piercing, and it looks funny.  It hurt like h**l going back through the scar tissue, I almost passed out the second time. In the end I would let them choose after I knew they were well informed about the benefit of waiting till your finished having children.

    As far as facial piercings go I would try very hard to make them wait, as our society looks down on these and it is very hard to get a job or even go to school with a facial piercing in.  Even places that hire teens want them to remove it for work and this is a pain in the butt.  In the beginning makes it harder for the piercing to heal up as well as it is more prone to infection because you are removing the piercing before it is fully healed.  The last thing you want is a bad scar from an infection on your face, or the inability to get a job you want as a teen or an adult because of the hole that is still there when the piercing is removed.

    As far as the other piercings go.  The only one left are the ones in the "private" areas of the body.  Those are the ones I would put my foot down and say no to and not be swayed.  Kids and teens do not need those there is no need really for any one to get them really.  But after adult hood to each their own.

  8. they feel like your getting older and dont need them....and also if you start doing things like that they might think your doing other things too..

  9. Even though you can't see it, your mom is trying to protect you.  As you grow older, you will see things differently.  Many times, things you do now aren't things you will want later.  Things like piercings and tattoos are forever.

  10. It would make my very sad if my child mires any part of their body on purpose.  My baby girl has a small scar on her cheek and it breaks my heart everytime I see it.

    I've asked my kids not to get tatoos or do anything to damage their bodies... not tramp stamps, no belly rings..

    They are tacky and trashy.

    After they are 18.. they can go hog wild with their bodies but I hope they don't do something they will regret later in life.

  11. they think of it as a deviant sexual thing i think. i did it at about 14 or so and my mom didnt care but.. yeah, a piercing shouldnt be a big deal. a tatoo i would understand but a belly ring? come on. i think its like a mom not wanting her daughter to shave her legs too soon or wear makeup too young. i think it makes them think its for s*x some how

  12. As for me..its the possibility of something going wrong...such as it getting infected. Most teens just think they can get it pierced and go on about their business and not worry about it as long as it looks cute...they won't take care of it like they are suppose to and then wonder later on WHY it got infected and they had to take it out.

    I don't want my daughters getting anything pierced until they are able to get it done without my consent which is 17 or 18 yrs old.Anything under that places will not let you get pierced without parental consent(meaning parent signs for it)

    If it gets infected its on you and there is nothing you can do to the piercers about it. I don't want to see that happen to my kids so when they are old enough to KNOW how to take care of it and the risks it comes with,then they can get it pierced...until then..NO GO

  13. i dont really know. i guess they are looking out for you?

    i wouldnt do that behind her back though. that could get you in serious trouble. just keep on asking nicely.

  14. your parents gave you that life, and that body. until your 18, that isn't your body it's theirs.

    hmm and 15 you're not a baby huh. So you pay your own rent, you have a full time job, your own bills and they don't help you out at all? Interesting.

    She'll just find it and rip it out, you'll end up grounded and in a lot of trouble... you basically lose no matter what so don't be stupid and get yourself hurt because some dummie who doesn't know what they're doing peirced your belly button.

    you really think youre mature enough to make a change with your body if you think its ok to go behind your moms back to get it done? Yeah right. That just proves her point.

    Just wait, if you still even want it when she lets you get it then it'll be a waaaaay better experience! You're her baby. She went through a lot of pain to have you. When you push a watermellon through your v****a you'll have a pretty good "cord" on it too.

  15. One you are not an adult, you are an old child.

    Two, and you will understand this when you have kids of your own down the road, there is no "cut the cord" with parents. you are not always going to be a child but you will always be their son/daughter.  As a child under the age of 18 (which is when you are legally seen as an adult) they are responsible for you and what you do- including piercings.

    Third, ears are one thing, but other body parts look trashy when pierced to alot of people.  Do you really want to be explaining to your own kids why you have an earring in your belly button or your eyebrow etc.. down the road?  Do you really think at 30 you're going to still want that? Probably not. you'll probably be going "i was so stupid to do that when i was a stupid kid.. what was i thinking!"

    Fourth, you have to be over 18 or at least 18 to have anything pierced at all without parents consent. using a fake id to do it behind their backs is against the law.  if you did it behind their back they are going to eventually find out and not trust you at all with other stuff because you did.

    Like it or not once you pierce it you can't take it back and say "oops I don't want this any longer"- it will be a lasting thing on your body, even if you take the earring or whatever out the marks will still be there.

  16. As much as it pains me to say this, it's because it looks trashy for a 15 year old to have a belly peircing.  Wow, I think I just turned into my mother!  

    When I was 19 I had my tongue peirced, my parents made me take it out or threatened to cut off my school funding.  The good news is, I got over it...and now if I wanted a peircing then I could do it.

    So wait a year, it won't hurt you and you won't get grounded like you would if you did it behind your parents back.

  17. We care because we are older and know that in 10 years you might not want it there and like a tattoo it may never go away. Wait until you are older!

  18. You would be a fool to go behind your parent's backs.

    For one thing, you have to be over 18 to get it done without their consent.

    And yes, in their eyes you're still a child.

  19. My point of view on piercings is I don't need any extra holes in my body.  All mine are natural.  

    She doesn't want to have to pay all the times you will be in the doctors office for a piercing infection.  And yes, it happens a lot.

  20. Coming from someone who was 15 once, and know how I and everyone else I knew thought, you still don't know a thing about a thing.  You think you do, but you really don't.  You may not like that, but it's the honest to god truth, and you will see when you're older, and looking back on youth who think the same thing you do right now.

    Having a daughter myself.. I like the way Bill Engvall put it on his sitcom when his daughter asked him what the difference between getting her ears pierced and her bellybutton pierced, his answer was "because when you get your ears pierced, the boys look up here *points to his head*".  Not an exact quote, i'm sure, but you get the picture.

    As far as why we care so much..  It's because parents love their children..  Parents have been there, they have done that, and they have the battle scars to prove it.  There are a LOT of things that sound like a d**n fine idea at the time, which only leave you looking back on it later wondering why the h**l you did that.

    It may make you mad, but honestly, it's in your best interest for the time being.  

    That's my opinion now, anyways.. But that's coming from the point of view of a dad.  If I didn't have children, I may think differently, but in your parents eyes, you're their little girl, even though you are growing up now, they're just trying to look out for you.

    Really, not having the piercing will not change your life one single bit.  But, getting it now, then realizing later that you don't like it, but having to live with the scar for the rest of your life...  *shrug*

    Wow, this answer is long enough already.

  21. Well, I believe that 16 would be an appropriate age for it. Lots of young girls are doing it now.

    Me, personally, I went behind my mom's back and peirced my bellybutton myself. I had no clue how to take care of it and it got infected and it fell out. I have a scar that is like 1/2 inch long b/c it just kinda ripped my belly button.

    Just be patient sweety, it is hard for parents to see that their kids are growing up. Don't worry, I'm sure that she will let you have it soon.

    So, bottom line, don't go behind your mom's back and do something crazy like isn't smart. She is only trying to do what is best for you. Just show her that you are a mature young lady, you will be surprised how an attitude change will affect so much

  22. For one its really s**y and this would attract men of course. Peirsing your body is different then getting a tattoo. For one you are making a hole in the body and piersing it, I see this as mutilation of the body, however I have seen a pastors wife with an earring in her nose. (her husband works with the youth). At least she is consodering it. I think your mom just does not want to see you pierse your body.

  23. U were born with enough holes in uor bodies.  parent who hates body piercing. Nd none of my kids have piecings and there in their late twenties.

  24. Why do we care, infection, the fact that you are putting jewelry in a place that we do not want boys looking at or seeing, you are our babies, no matter how old you are, the image if presents to the world, yes we care what others think of our kids, we want you to do things because you need them, want them, for yourself, not because it is the thing to do or what is in.

    As a parent, I fought my daughter on this same thing, she did exactly what you said you wanted to do, go behind my back, I felt disrespected, as will your parents. If this means so much to you, ask your mom to write you an IOU for your 16th birthday for a belly button piercing. Then leave it alone, you will surprised, she may start to think you respect her enough to actually wait and take you, I would have.

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