
Why do parents care so much about their kids room?

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My parents always nag at me to clean my room. It being clean or dirty doesn't affect me at all so why should they care? A lot of other kids get this as well so what's up with the parents?




  1. I KNOW RIGHT!!!Like I'm comfortable with my room but my rents' always have something to say...and I sometimes get grounded.......IDK why they care...I totally get what your sayin...

  2. I've got the same problem. And after years of thinking about it, I think I've at least gotten to somewhat understand my mother's opinion on it. She views the house as an example of who she is. When other people come to visit, they judge her based on the house (i.e. decorations, cleanliness, etc). So, in that sense, your room is a part of that. How clean or messy your room is becomes a reflection on your parents. They'd like to know that they've raised a kid that can keep a place clean. It's not something that will ever go away. I'm in college now and I've got my mother bugging me about my dorm room and she's living 7 hours away. I'm sure once I get a place of my own I'll have to deal with it when my parents come to visit.

    One thing you could do ( it totally freaks my mom out), is to actually clean your room without your parents bugging you to. I know, actually doing that without being told doesn't sound that great. But, they are totally not expecting it and they just might lay up on the nagging if they learn that you are perfectly capable of cleaning up your room if and when you want to.  

  3. oh my gosh i totally agree!!!!!!!

    i can have like the bed undone and like a pair of pants on the floor

    and my mamaw will be like "clean up ur room its so dirty"

    she says cuz it looks ugly and ppl who come to our house will see it all ugly.

    and im like  no one coems to our house!!!!!

    but yea maybe they dont have anything else to do i know my mamaw doesnt

    hey can you answer my latest question

  4. lol i think it's because when they have friends over or something it embarrasses them if our room is like "not clean" & stuff.

  5. It is called responsibility, YOUR room is part of THEIR house and they need to see that you respect that, and yourself. you will be so surprised how much better your life is if you would keep your room neat. stuff dont get lost or broken so easy, things smell better, you will be able to dress much easier. Plus you get big adult points for when you want anything from them. Really it is a win-win situation for you.

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