
Why do parents do this????

by Guest31754  |  earlier

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Your parents are rich and then when you turn 18 they don't want to spend money on you isn't this kinda selfish?




  1. They're just trying to teach you responsibility. It isn't selfish.

    It's kinda selfish that you expect them to.

  2. No.

    They wont you to learn how to make your own money and they want you to learn from your mistakes.

    They can't be giving you money for ever.. and at 18 you are infact and adult.

  3. It is not selfish, it is life and it's something that is expected. They've spent 18 years raising you hoping for you to become and adult and independent and care for yourself. If they are going to care for you the rest of your life and you do nothing at all then you might as well be a kid forever with no responsibilities since the real life is just way to tough for you to handle.

  4. They just want you to learn how to make it on your own  

  5. When should they stop spending money on you?  How can it be selfish to work for your money and want to keep it?  Are you not able to work?  I proprose that parents love their children when they push them out of the nest.  Would children that think their parents are selfish for not giving them money not earned ever leave home and ever make their own way?

    The mother eagle brought her eaglets to the edge of the cliff and said jump.  The eaglets said I am afraid so they went home.  The next day the mother eagle did the same and said jump.  The eaglets said I am afraid and they went home.  The next day, the mother eagle took the eaglets to the cliff and said jump.  The eaglets said I am afraid.  The mother eagle pushed them off the edge and the eaglets soared away.

  6. IDK am i ur guidance consuler or somethin?

  7. you're right, i'm 22 and my parents quit spending money on me. how dare they!? i chose to move out on my ow before graduting college when they wanted me to live at home. how dare they make me pay my own rent and bills. i chose the car i wanted and have to pay for it. how dare they not buy me a car?

    grow  up

  8. I don't think it's selfish, maybe the kid is selfish for expecting the rich parents to take care of them now that they are an adult.  It's a different situation if the kid needs some help paying for a car or medical car or whatnot, but you shouldn't just expect the parents to buy you everything you want just because they have the means to do it.  I would tell the kid to be responsible for yourself and get a job!  Good Luck

  9. Uhm, no YOU'RE being selfish for expecting your parents to spend money on you at age 18.

    Parents shouldn't be expected to buy their kids cars, clothes, etc, if their child is old enough for a job.

    My children (I have a long way to go...the oldest is 22 months and I'm pregnant with #2) will get jobs when they are 16 to pay for clothes and gas and insurance, stuff like that.  And save up money for a vehicle.  They will also save up money for college because my husband and I will NOT pay for a whole tuition.  There is NO WAY.

    So, again, you are the one being selfish.  Not your parents.

  10. you're right. what's the purpose of money anyway???

  11. No, I don't think it is selfish at all. In fact I think it is smart. There is nothing wrong with a parent helping out their adult child from time to time, but no way should they be spending a ton of money on you and taking care of all your financial responsibilities. How will you learn any responsibility whatsoever if somebody else takes care of it all for you?

    Besides, no matter how well off a family is, the parent spent thousands upon thousands upon thousands of dollars throughout their children's life. They have provided food, clothing, shelter, fun things, health insurance, schooling and activities...not to mention put up with all the c**p from newborn to the teenage years. That is NOT easy. I think the parents deserve a little break, don't you?

    You will understand or agree more when you are a parent yourself, I think.

  12. no its not at 18 your an adult who is capable of working and making  your own way in this world

    they had to work for what they have and so should you

  13. Why it is THEIR money not yours!  You don't deserve to get THEIR money just because you draw breath!  Your 18 now and if they want the can kick you out of the house so be grateful for what they do give you and be sure that you tell them so.

  14. well, they just want u to learn how to make cash by yourself. they cant always be there for u!

  15. No not really, they raised you for 18 years, And they probably spent loads of money on you. 18 is the age when you are classed as an adult, and if your 18 and still want mummy and daddy to buy you things... think about it. Now i think its time to return a favour, you don't have to spend hundreds of $$$ just get them a little something to show that you appreciate all they have done for you for the past 18 years.

  16. Selfish?  Hardly.  It sounds more like the 18 year old is greedy and a brat.Time to spread your wings and fly like all adults are expected to do.

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