
Why do parents drive to, then wait at school up to 25 mins before closing when it takes 10 mins to walk there?

by Guest64855  |  earlier

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My son had an accident at school so I had to pick him up early and I was amazed to find parents already waiting in their cars with almost 30 mins before closing time!

I live on the outskirts of the catchment area and it's only a 10 min walk so it isn't that far!!!

I see parents listening to the radio, doing crossword puzzles and one man even takes a nap outside school everyday.

I don't get it, please explain!




  1. My son's school is about a 10 minute walk from our house, and we happen to live in a very busy city. His school has a policy that any childred under the age of 12 must be released to a parent/guardian. Besides, I would never allow my 5 year old son to walk home by himself!

  2. I lived in the safest city in the USA as a child but over the last 20 years the child molestations that take place in that city has become outrageously high.  Don't let it irritate you.  My brother who is 6 years younger than me told me that every girl he knows has been sexually assaulted by strange men on the way to or from school walking in the so called safest city in the USA.

  3. I don't know about everyone else, but it does take me 25 mins to walk there.

  4. To get a good parking space?

    Plus maybe they have after school activities that they have to hurry to so they need to drive to school rather than the nice 10 minute walk.

  5. or maybe their doing it for the SAKE of their child.........

    yap maybe to us adult its not HARD to walk 10mins away.......well what about your kid/kids?? did u ever think that?? maybe u'll tell me its extra exercise for them......well for me being in school for about 6HOURS plus with that extra RECESS they have they already burn that

    and also its good for their health less polution if their inside the car......

  6. They are probably stressed over worked parents, who do need to take time out to walk, with their probably unfit children, to spend some time with them.

    I walk to and from with mine and we chat about allsorts!

  7. It all comes down to laziness, my nextdoor nieghbours get a pizza delivered even though the shop is 20 yards away.

  8. same with our school. I dont know why people do it, but anyway. I think most people do it at our school is because our school parking lot or even campus is hard to get in cuz its sooooo packed once dismissal comes around. so its better to get their early and get out before the mad rush of people come in to try and pick up their kids.

    but that is just my opinion. but then again some are just crazy like that.

  9. prob just missing there kiddies

  10. its just pointless


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