
Why do parents freak over piercings?

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Threaten to kick you out of the house and all...or just make it a big deal?

I don't get it. Theyre removable....

so in other words, can someone tell me what is BAD about piercings?




  1. My dad freaked and wouldn't let me cut my hair ( a normal style)  Said it's pretty long some, BS. It's more about your parents than it is the piercing IMO. My sister had her nose and tongue pierced along with her daughter. I let my 16yrs old son go to FT Lauderdale, Florida for spring break with 3 of his friends. But my parents wouldn't let me go to school functions. It's hard to know how to raise your kids right, but at least they are trying.

    Also some piercings are too s**y and some are too goth or "punk" for alot of older people- they read too much into it like it's making a statement about you.

  2. My da HATES them downright despises them, My mum says Its ya body u ave to deal with it. and signs for them

    I live with her btw  

  3. i'm not sure.

    my parents did the same thing, but eventually areed to let me get them.

    i think they may be worried on how it's viewed. like they may be worried on how others think of their parenting skills. "oh, if so and so let his daughter get her lip pierced there is no telling what else she is allowed to do" ..

    our parents and grandparents were just raised in a different generation, with different values and rules. a lot of that stuff wasn't acceptable then, and for some people, they still can't accept it.

  4. cuz they can leave scars or like holes etc and ur parents or prob scared u will reget it later in life....

  5. Look at these kids, then ask that question again.

  6. because they are afraid you might get infections. ahhaha well that's what my mom told me. hahaha. but i have 8 on my left ear and she doesnt mind. as long as you explain how and where you got em and assure them that it's safe they'll understand. :D

  7. yeah i know what you mean. but parents dont care about the scars extra.

    they just care about how it portrays you. there is a lot of places that wont even hire you because of facial piercings. And even though our culture is adapting to tattoos piercings extra ppl still stare. I think they just want the best for you. I know how you feel. Like it doesnt even matter to you. just respect your parents and get it done when you are out of the house

  8. Because parents are going to be parents...

    And they dnt wnt there children going aroung with all these piercings

    Because it can cause infections..

    trust me I know I been there and done that

  9. haha! I freaked out over my own piercings... a couple years ago my aunt took me to get my ears pierced and the piercings got all yucky and affected because I got to where I was afraid to touch them.... when I finally got them took out I was relieved and never wanted another piercing again and still don't..... that all happened when I was 14 and I'm 18 now and thinking about a really small tattoo....

    and I was thinking about the same thing last night when I was watching the episode of Family Matters where Laura decides she wanted to get her nose pierced...  

  10. Pain is never pleasant, especially if it is self-inflicted and change the way you look.

    Parents know what pain is like, especially moms, they gave birth to children you know. What could be more painful than childbirth?

    And dads, if they were present at all, know the agony.

    So why freak them out again?

  11. sure most of them are horrible and in places why for? does it do you good or is it for the guys? i mean to tell you for one reasont ehy do get infected very easy and then its worst of a mess and a lot of doctor bills also its just not nice period.

  12. My mom thinks they make me look like a s***k.

    or i could get an infection.

    or it's giving the boys the wrong idea.

    or I could have ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE (yeah right) scars all over my body.

    Basiclly a bunch of bull that you can talk your way out of.

    I honestly think it's more of a control thing.

    My dad can't see anything wrong with em so he just takes me to get em done without my mom.

    What can she do?

    Oh and if they kick you outa the house and yur under 18 they can get arrested, or fined.

    Trust me, i know.

    And if your over 18, get em done and live with a relative; prove your point.

    It's your body, you should be able to do whatever you want to it.

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