
Why do parents lie about santa and many other things?

by Guest64183  |  earlier

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My mom lied to me like any other kid gets lied to. She told me about santa and I believed it, I didn't find out til I was 12 that it was a lie and it made me so sad that to this day I hate christmas! She lied about all kinds of other things just so I would be good. Do parents realise it will break your kids heart to find out the truth about some of these things. And from then on I never trusted my mom about anything and I still don't!




  1. ARE U SERIOUS?????????

    Yes Santa is make believe, just like a lot of things in this world. All kids like Santa and believe that he bring gifts on Christmas (why would she want to still your JOY away). Aren't you like any other child? Or maybe not?? Why wouldn't you trust your mother? I'm sure she hasn't done anything wrong to you, just made you feel like a kid... and it kinda sounds like you are still one..


  2. Yes I can see your point of view but you have to look at why your mum told you Santa was real, which was to make it more exciting for you and you had 12 happy Christmases because of your belief. I should seek therapy to help you get over this because if you can't cope with this, I fear for the rest of your lifes problems and how you will react  !

  3. They simply do it to put joy and excitment into their childrens lives. They love you. Tooth fairy- not real, Santa- not real, Eater Bunny- not real. You will trust your mom again. You will probally still get presents whether or not they are from Santa.

  4. get over it. she was just trying to make your childhood more enjoyable and exciting.

  5. get over it!!! You have a broken heart because Santa isn't real? seriously??

    Its meant for little kids to get excited that they are going to get presents from Santa! Its a kids holiday! Guess what! There is no such thing as the Easter bunny or the tooth ferry! boo hoo!

  6. I do the same thing to my kids, and my mom did the same thing to me!!!

    We all turned out FINE!!!!

    It sounds like you have MAJOR issues with your mother, and it has nothing to do with Santa......

  7. A lie is a lie. I have 4 kids and I never told them that Santa, Tooth Fairy,etc. were real. If I buy hundreds of dollars in toys for my kiddos at Christmas time, I'm getting the credit for it. Not some fat, old guy. We don't even have a chimney....


  9. bc children need to have something to belive in

  10. u just comm on my ?  then u post this

    and saying to never tell them

  11. god your wierd

    children need somethind speciel and magical to believe in and santa helps kids be good and behave cause they understand the reward system and its speciel

    if you told your kid that if their good youll buy them a present in 12 months they wont give a stuff but if their bad magical santa wont give them anything will make them behave

    god get over it my nan was still trying to make me believe in the easter bunnie and santa when i was 16 and knew where she stashed the gifts

    get over it its part of growing up to believe in things and another part of growing up that not everything tou get told is the truth

  12. because they are just as retarded as the kids!

    they try to be nice and s**t but they don't know that they are harming their kids' childhood!

  13. I know what you mean to a degree. When I found out he wasn't real,  I felt pretty stupid for believing and irritated wondering what else in life was made up too. For a little while, I even wondered if the whole "God" concept was made up, too.  I  forgave my parents for it pretty quickly, though.  They figured everyone else does it , it's fun, it's cute, and as far as anyone could  tell back then, most kids weren't as mad about it as you and I got.  But, as a result of my disappointment,  I did not go out of my way to convince my kids that  Santa was real.  Early on,  I used the word "pretend" with the word "Santa".  They could watch the Christmas TV shows and so forth.  They even unwrapped some presents from Mom and Dad and some from Santa too. We would leave cookies out for Santa on Christmas Eve. They had the fun of "playing" Santa Claus.  I must admit, my younger daughter ,for one or two years, wanted to believe, so I told she could if she wanted to, but that she didn't have to.  I didn't want her accusing me of lying to her someday.  My wife and I  made the distinction between Santa and the birth of Jesus as one is for fun, and the other is really true.  I hope things get better between you and your Mom.

  14. It is a story that parents sometimes tell their children to make Christmas magical, or the losing of a tooth interesting or Easter funny.  It isn't a big deal.  Most parents will eventually have their children ask it they are real and are usually told they aren't at that point but older siblings are asked to let the magic go on for younger children.  Santa is real just not the way parents sometimes explain it but the story of the original Santa is real and the magic of Christmas is great.  Most kids figure it out once they are school age and they handle it just fine.

  15. because they were also lied by their parents at their childhood

  16. Hmm, well apparently you don't know your history.  Santa Clause was a real person and he had very good intentions.  Why do you think he gave presents to children in December?

    Figured I'd give you a small history lesson :P

    Santa Clause is the English version of Sante Klaas, which is Dutch for St Nicholas. St Nicholas was a bishop in the 4th century who was made a saint by the church. He is the patron saint of Children and his feast day, December 6th, is a children’s holiday in Germany and the Netherlands.

    It has long been a tradition that, on this day, someone takes the part of St Nicholas and dresses up to give presents to ‘good’ children. About 150 years ago, the custom of the Christmas stocking was introduced into England from Germany and lasts today, although children now get vastly more presents that they ever did in the past.

  17. Being that Santa was a real being -- St. Nicholas -- the only lie would be in never telling a child about Santa.

    If you are that traumatized, then I suggest you seek help.

    My kids, 9 and 6, believe in Santa, because he's all about a real person.  They also know that the true meaning of Christmas is the celebration of Christ's birth.

  18. A lot say it's to enhance the holidays, but I know plenty of people who had wonderful memories of Christmas without Santa. I don't think the who myth is a bad thing either.

    My only problem is how hypocritical it is when you think about it. Parents technically do lie to their kids about many things (fairy tale characters like Santa, where babies come from etc...) but then get really angry when their kids lie to them. If you don't want your kids lying, then don't lie to them!

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