
Why do parents lie to you about santa clause and the tooth fairy and stuff? haha?

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Cause my mom got mad at me when i say there wernt real up untill i was like 12. Is that wierd??




  1. Absolutely not.  Children grow way too fast these days, we parents want them to stay that way for as long as possible.  They are only children for a short time, but once they grow up it's forever.  I have two children aged 8 and 7, and they still believe in all the fairytales of Santa and the Easter Bunny and so on.  I have no intention of destroying their innocence any time soon.  Christmas Day won't be the same once they know the truth.

  2. My parents never told me they were real, but they told me them sort of as myths/old tales.

    Some parents lie to their children about this because it's tradition for children. Plus, it gives them something to be good for during the holidays, when they loose a tooth, and during easter.

  3. My grandma told me that they weren't real when I was 8 and my mom got mad at her! Plus I don't think you should be posting stuff like that on this site! BEWARE kids are everywhere!!!  

  4. well she was mad bcoz she did not want u to find out

    all mums have a WEIRD understanding when their ''babies'' grow up :P


  5. Probably because they want us to hold on to that little piece of happiness and NON cruelty before we go out into the real world...


    So we wont complain about losing a tooth..

    and try to make us act good in the later months by saying "santa wont bring you any toys if you act like this!"

  6. cuz they want there kids to have something to believe in (it creates an innocence) lol

  7. because they want you to be a kid and kids believe in that stuff and when you get older you no there fake my mom still believes in santa

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