
Why do parents put down their children through pressures? don't you know it stresses them out?

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my mom is always nagging me about how skinny I am it really gets annoying. and my father does the same thing. i'm 16. 5'4'

and 85 lbs. and yeah i know that is very skinny but they know that i eat regularly and my body might just be built that way. even though i'm skinny, i still have curves. my measurements are 31-23-32. my mom is always telling me not to wear anything that is sleeveless because it will show the bones in my shoulders. last week my father told me not to wear a a sleeveless dress to church and he basicly insulted me. i wanted to curse him out because first of all, my dad is 40, 5'7 and about 165-170 lbs. it hurts me becasue i know i'm not the only skinny girl. they always compare me to other kids my age and they want me to be someone else under their own expectations. i am afraid someday this will lead me to do something severe. please help. have you ever experienced this?




  1. Tell them if they are worried about you being too skinny, to take you to the doctor. You could have an over active thyroid. This causes skinny people to eat alot but still not gain weight becuase your metabolism is in over-drive. Its a serious health conern, because if your body is burning though everything that you put in it faster then normal, then could have fainting spells, dehydrate very easily.

    Its very common, but can cause serious health problems if not monitered. Good luck with it! I wish I had the being too skinny! Take Care

  2. Sorry you are going thru this.  I have found that lifting weights will help put on a little muscle weight that will give you more curves. It helps you feel good and look healthy too.  Ask your parents to accept you for who you are, and when they make the unnecessary comments, just dont make any reply to them.  Remember they just want the best for you, and want you to be the best you can be. Good luck.

    And if you can, go to the Doctor for a check up.  Make sure everything is ok.  Make sure your thyroid is ok, or sugar levels are good too.

  3. Honey, you are really skinny for your height and age. If I were your parent, you would be seeing a doctor to find out the reason why you are not gaining any weight. I would be very frightened for you. That is just not healthy!

    I would never tell you to "hide" your body. Are you purging? Do you think you are overweight? Do you like your body? Are you eating enough? Are you afraid to gain weight?

    Good luck.

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