
Why do parents threaten to disown their kids for getting pregnant, even if their kid is over 18?

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I hear stories like this a lot. An acquaintance of mine just told me that's going on with her, & she's in her 20's.




  1. maybe it's out of frustration, because it's not what they'd hoped for their daughter, and they realize how hard it will be, and how much limitation it will put on her for the rest of her life.

  2. they say that to scare them, i got pregnant at 17 and im due in like 5 days and my parents never once actually disowned me...

  3. Sadly, these parents have issues.

    I know that I may not agree with everything, but to disown your own child is ridiculous. Love for a child should be unconditional.

  4. I think its part of that "Fear" parents have, they dont want their kid to mess up by getting pregnant too young, so they use scare tactics like disowning them, or kicking them out.  

  5. I don't know but that's so backwards. My Aunt did that with my cousin, she was 24 and was going to marry the guy anyway. While I wouldn't be exactly thrilled to have a pregnant teenager I wouldn't withdraw my help and love at a time when they need it the most. havinga baby out of wedlock or when you are too young is not the worst thing that can happen and with the support from your family it can even be great. If that's what life has for me, oh well, we'll deal with it!

    My Aunt gave a terrible ime to my cousin and I would never do that to my daughter...

  6. It's the only way they know of to try to get their kids to do the right thing.  We assume your friend is single, and you can remind her that her parents owe her no inheritance at all.  They can do what they want with their money, and she needs to learn to earn a living.

  7. You know this brings back a memory of me, When I was 18 years old I got pregnant the guy who got me pregnant was 21, My father got real mad and disowned me too, I believe he  felt he had failed with me, he was hoping i would of finished school and go off to college and become someone, instead I was getting married at 18. My mother had to go behind my father's back just to see me, she was hurt also but I was still her daughter her youngest daughter and I was about to have her first grandchild it wasn't until I was 6 months along that my father accepted me back into his life, I think my mother and older sister had something to do with it, as well as he realized that he was soon going to be a grandfather to his first grandchild. I ended up having my baby at 7 months the baby was premature but healthy. He was also a boy. My father and mother never had any boys only girls, this grandchild had changed alot of hard feelings that had taken place in my life with my parents. So your acquaintance of yours shouldn't give up hope, cuz her parents will realize that their will be a baby arriving soon. A child that will be part of them.Tell her to take care and good luck. P.S. I'm also still married and now have two children who are now adults themselves. (2 boys)

  8. My cousin is white and she got pregnant with a black man. Her dad disowned her and her baby. She was 18 when she got pregnant.

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