
Why do parrots (budgies and tiels in particular) love to scrape the dirt of floors and corners of the house?

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Are they lacking minerals or something? I used to have budgies, they did that all the time, scraping dirt off the floor and corners of the house and eating them like they taste so good. My cockatiels do that too. I don't think it's very healthy but they spend quite a while enjoying it.

Any explanation to why they do this? Thanks.




  1. Yes, they may be lacking minerals. Try Missing Link, a great vitamin and mineral suppliment that you just mix with their food. If they are just hungry, be sure to feed them twice a day. Maybe they are in the mood to scavenge or work a little for food. Try Nutraberries. They are seeds packed together in a ball and makes the birds work and scavenge for the seeds. It really helps stimulate their senses. If they are just bored, be sure to rotate their toys every week and keep adding new ones to the cycle.

  2. No they are not lacking minerals. My budgies does tat too.

    This is a way to occupy time and to grind their beak. It is to prevent their beak from over growing. :]

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