
Why do pathetic whining NRL fans find it necessary to post insulting unintelligent questions in Aussie Rules?

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My apologies to all of you decent NRL fans who find better things to do with your time than cause trouble and insult others.




  1. You have pretty much answered your own

    I just ignore gets so boring reading their stupid answers.  I guess there isnt much going on in NRL so they have to come here and annoy us!

  2. coz they're bored jobless stupid little punks with too much time on their hands and no life outside of yahoo answers

  3. casue NRL ain't as popular as AFL, so to bring it down u gotta talk **** about it, see wat jealousy does,its very bad,

  4. Because they are pathetic ,insulting, whinning and unintelligent

  5. What is Aussie Rules?

    I've heard of AFL if that's any help!

  6. Boredom.   No-one watches rugby league anymore.

  7. Perhaps jealous with the crowds that attend AFL and that the TV rights are worth more, but the people who frequent these boards for the sole purpose of trolling display their immaturity and the fact they have a inferiority complex.

    They should either go back to school as they must be youngsters or seek profesional help.

  8. It is a mystery to me but I suppose morons will act like morons

  9. Who knows Louise Maree. Boredom perhaps with their own site?? AFL is far superior after all!!

    I now try desperately hard to ignore them (though sometimes that can be difficult.)

    FYI Dropkick (though I am sure you already know this) AFL refers to Australian Football League that comprises of 16 teams (Geelong, Hawthorn, etc etc etc). Aussie Rules covers is the actual name of the game they (and squillions of other Aussies play) each week.

  10. Well have you checked their forum?  No-one but no-one uses them.  Like, really can you imagine most NRL fans actually OWNING a computer let alone being able to figure out the internet.

    This is the intelligent end of the spectrum we're seeing on here!  Like - they've got jobs.

  11. AFL pretty g*y name! pretty g*y sport!

    Its alright for u to like it love, but 4 a grown man 2 like it and not like league, com on! lets get serious 4 a second here

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