
Why do patients believe that their copay is the actual cost of an office visit?

by Guest56025  |  earlier

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Why do patients believe that their copay is the actual cost of an office visit?




  1. Because it is what

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    ------- THEY HAD TO PAY--------

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  2. I don't. I get statements telling me what the costs are.

  3. They do??? I don't know anyone who thinks this.  And i know a lot of people.

  4. I don't think anyone believes that.

  5. Can you please explain your question? I don't understand what you are saying

  6. It's what the patient is having to pay out of his/her pocket. Certainly it's more than this, but that's what the insurance is for.

  7. Because that is the cost of the office visit for us. The insurance company pays the rest.That's why it's called copay.

  8. Because that is what the chisling greedy moneygrabbing insurance companies have lead us to believe.

    It is also suppose to be the agreed to amount that a in network Dr. has agreed to accept as his standard office visit fee.

    However, you may have a sneakier insurance company than most, who have no such network Dr.

    Also considering that most Dr. allot 10 minutes per patient at 30 to 60 bucks each, that is more than my plumber gets.

  9. Scary how many people didn't understand your question... Which kind of supports your point, doesn't it.

    Anyway, it is a shame. People would take more responsibility for their health care if they got a bill first and had to file it with their health insurance carrier. Right now, it's invisible to them and they take it for granted.

  10. Because that's how much it SHOULD cost. Most docs really aren't worth 1 tenth as much as they charge.

  11. Who in the world thinks this? Everyones copay is different to, according to your insurance. I think anyone with intelligence knows that a trip to the Doctors, or hospital is going to come to a lot more than $10.00, $15.00, or $20.00.

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