
Why do patriots fans think mangini is a rat?

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The problem I have with this, is that at the time, the patriots were obviously the better team, yet they still chose to cheat against the jets. There was probably no reason to cheat as you could have probably won the game without cheating. Somehow in the minds of pats fans, the bad guy isn't the one who actually did the deed, but instead the coach of the team that was cheated on. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. I'm not blind to the fact that this practice probably did go on with most teams, but considering mangini previously worked for belicheat, and knew his dirty tricks, don't you think it would have been wise for such a "genious" of a coach not to use dirty tactics such as the video taping?

Someone explain to me how belicheck is innocent in pats fans eyes, you know if it were the other way around, you would never let us jets fans hear the end of it.




  1. a Colts fan I think Mangini is a rat...he would be nothing without BB...BB took him under his wing, from the days when Mangini was just a meaningless assistant...he ratted out his mentor, the man who helped him become what he has become!

  2. First off, I'm not even a Patriots fan.  

    If you are naive enough to think the Patriots were the only team filming practices, etc.  you are sorely mistaken.  Why do you think the fine was so small?  Even at the college level, teams employ lipreaders with binoculars trying to get the calls from opposing teams' coordinators.  THIS IS THE NFL.  ITS A MULTIBILLION DOLLAR ***BUSINESS***  You take every single advantage that you can.  Every coach around the league knew the score and Mangini blew the whistle because he's a spineless hack that has no chance of ever acheiving what Belichek has done.  So get real, stop bringing up issues from a season ago and get fired up about this year.

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