
Why do peope answer quesntions this way?

by  |  earlier

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when I ask or answer questions, I almost always see an answer written in this formula

A simple monosyllabic sentence that does not answer the question. "Next Question"

That is so rude and condescending and dismissive. They act like they know everything and are like some answer guru, or that they are all knowing like God or something. Why do people have to do that?




  1. Oh suck it up, there are more important things going on than people not answering your question.

    If you don't want to deal with this stop asking questions.

  2. Next Question.

    -Seriously though. Grow up and stop worrying about how people answer questions. Just ignore them if you don't like it.

  3. It takes all kinds to make up this world.  Just ignore them if they bother you. Why do they do it?  Maybe they are smart and know alot of things.Or maybe they are just asses.

  4. I am all knowing God or something. YES 2 POINTS. I LOVE F@@@ing points. GIVE ME TEN PLEASE. I WANT TEN POINTS GIVE ME TEN POINTS. POINTS!!! I LOVE YOU!

  5. They are part of a rapidly growing group of people on yahoo answers called retards. They type a simple quick "answer" that doesn't actually answer the question at all, and because they are so dumb, they think earning two points on yahoo actually means something.

  6. Because they think that they are funny.  But yeah I agree w/ you.  But dont pay atention to them.  They are stuped and need to learn to grow up.  TTYL!!!!!!!

  7. "Next question" has three syllables.

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