
Why do people 'diss' Naples??

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I don't see how Naples is so bad, I'm from Naples and half of my family live there and we have had no problems, some people are just quick to judge a place by what other people say, if you want to know the true beaty of it and have fun then visit it yourself.




  1. because thy will rip you off with out you noticing....They sold me a pair of fake shoes...... (and I am Italian.... I cant imagine a foreigner..........)

    Aside of the fact that they are all mafiosi, everything is dirty, and most of the neighboorhoods look like gethos!

    ah,  pero vedere napoli e dopo morire?

  2. i am neapolitan and i can say that we aren't authors of our ploblems, they donnot depend on us. We have the worst mayor and region president Iervolino and Bassolino, who have been governing Campania since 1990 and it's 18 years that they made naples to be the most loved and the most hated city in the world...

    however there are a lot of beautiful places to see and naples is a very ancient city and you can't imaginewhat it is unless you see it.

    That garbage is not taken away, it isn't true; i live in the centre and in this area i've never seen any garbage; then if you go to the suburb, you can find some...

    if you are going to italy, i suggest you to go to naples, because it's a very very beautiful city but, like any other city, it has its problems.

    [i'm sorry for my english, that couldn't be correct]

  3. I have to aggree that the city looks horrible when comming in from the airport, the streets are littered with rubbish, Grafitti, dust and boarded up buildings.

    We stayed in the worst hotel ever in Naples (Hotel D'Anna) across form the train station, and had to move around the corner to another one for our second night!!


    Out towards the coast and around the costal hills the city is very nice and you can see some amazing sunsets around there and dine in some lovely it's not all bad!!

  4. we gabriella ciao! come mai sei qui? in senso. abiti in inghilterra o sei entrata a vedere l'answers inglese? io si !

    =) ciao

    cmq w napoli!

  5. Because it's a lawless h**l hole run by the Mafia.

  6. Naples isn't so bad... In fact, it is a beautiful city that has a tremendous amount to offer.  However, there are several factors that cause it to be regularly 'dissed'

    1) It is dirty.  Among the major Italian cities, Naples is by far the dirtiest, and the one in most disrepair.  It is the one city that is most likely to have a garbage strike and go weeks without any garbage pick up service.

    Naples has the largest graffiti problem of all Italian cities, which is saying quite a bit because most Italian cities have terrible graffiti problems.

    2) Naples is known to have the worst petty crime rate of all Italian cities per capita of its population.  It is the place where you are most likely to have your car radio stolen, or your wallet picked.

    3) The Camorra  (Naples' version of the mafia) -- Which brings me back to the garbage issue above, since they control garbage disposal and dumping in the region...  has had a stronghold over politics in the region for ages, and is at the root of what is considered to be the most politically corrupt area of Italy.

    4) The population in general has an attitude of complacency.  With the crime families having near complete control in the area, there is a strong feeling that this is what it is, and it is the reality they live in.  Few people attempt to change their environment for the better out of fear...leading to complacency.

    5) There is an extremely large underclass in Naples that can be best compared to how people in the US see gang bangers in 'The Hood'.  Those problems seep into  mainstream life regularly.

    All of this is seen by people in Northern Italy as something of a lost cause.  They see Naples as a place that is out of control, and more or less lawless.  They tend to group ANYONE from Naples into that category of 'Napoletano' in such a way that the mere term has become a slur in some ways.  It is a stereotype.

    All of that said, it is a shame.  There are many wonderful people in Naples that wish it were different, and Naples is surrounded by much of Italy's greatest beauty, and is home to many of Italy's warmest people.

  7. napoli è stupenda come anche le isole del golfo..

  8. I love Naples.

    There are some parts where it's not advisable for tourists to go.  So don't be a tourist.  Behave like a local and the touts and pickpockets will leave you alone.

  9. It just depends on what the traveler is looking for. Honestly I think a lot, and I'm qualifying this, a lot of American travelers want to have an Italian experience that they think is authentic such as a trip to Rome to see the coliseum or Florence to see David, but it turns out to be not very authentic at all. The travelers who want an authentic experience, who aren't looking for menus printed in 7 different languages and all the comforts of home are willing to spread out to other cities that some deem "scary" or "dirty" or whatever the current thinking might be. Becuase they see past that and find the true gem, the real cultural experience that the city has to offer. I personally love Palermo and the same is said about Palermo that is said about Naples, which I loved as well. A lot of white sneaker and f***y pack wearing American travelers want a "safe" experience so if someone tells them not to go to Naples they don't go. I'm not saying ALL of them, but a lot of them. There are plenty of travelers out there who frequent Naples and love her dearly.

  10. I think they do it because of all the negative stories they've heard.  I've been to Naples, Carpi, la costa Almfatina, and a few other areas nearby.  I can tell you there are some negative qualities like the trash problem in some parts of Naples right now, camorra, horrible traffic (like people not stopping at stop signs or running red lights).  Beside these facts, I like very much Naples and surrounding areas.  The food is really good, especially the pizza and sea-food dishes.  There are so many beautiful sites to see, so many musuems to visit, beautiful squares, friendly people, good-looking guys (hahaha), etc.  Don't worry, every city has it's problems and it's qualities.

  11. READ THIS.... all of these BAD things are true.... it's more dangerous than new york.... by far. the city is the dirtiest, filthiest, most dangerous place in Italy if not all of Europe. Take my advise..... drive right thru and go to Pompeii, Almafi coast or sorrento. you won't miss a thing if you don't stop (and smell the garbage, which by the Way will be piled up everywhere.... i love it when it gets so bad that they just set it on fire....) great place to visit. I feel sorry for the normal people that live there.

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