
Why do people 'eww' to foods they've never tasted?

by  |  earlier

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I mean seriously ! I did that when I was like 6, and this guy in my class (8th grade) was acting soo grossed out when this girl said she ate tofu. he has never even tried it !

It seems to happen to things like that and vegetables. my sister gives me a disgusted look whenever I eat or drink something soy, because I am a vegetarian and she is not.

why do people do this? haven't they ever heard the phrase "Don't knock it till you've tried it" or something like that? hahahh




  1. TX is sort of right and sort of wrong here.

    Their mother may have been an excellent cook, but failed to slap the snott out of the little bratts for the first euwww they expressed when faced with something unfamiliar. They got by with that one, so they tried it on other things. And soon they were going euwww at anything they didn't eat yesterday and they were getting away with it.

    Children must be taught good manners. And this is a manners thing. It is absolutely never proper to say euwww until you have at least tasted something. Disgusted looks are not in this catagory but your sister should taste it before going euwww!!!

    Now I can say euwww!!! ick!!! to your tofu or soy junk because I have tasted it and it is so very nasty. But that is my opinion. Not that a grandmother would ever say euwww!!! or ick!!! to any food put before her. She would merely ignore it.

  2. what would you do if someone put a great big T-bone steak in front of you and expected you to eat it?..............Eeeeewwwww ~ am I right?

  3. I have a stepdaughter who does that, all her mother feeds her is what she wants, the only vegetable she will eat is corn or potatoes.  For seven years I have tried to get her to eat different things, and it doesn't help that her father won't make her try new things either. My children grew up with the rules you tried everything that was cooked, at least one  tablespoon full.  Children will not acquire the taste if they are not taught to eat new things, from the time they are little all types of food should be introduced.  

  4. People are so tied up in being the same that whenever someone is doing something dif. they react in a childlike manner.Plus boys say stupid things when they just dont know anything about whats in front of them or being talked about.

  5. It is because of the look of the food, or maybe the smell. when people hear about a food they do not think they will like there first word about it is eeww or something like that. especially if it has a food that they dont like in it.

  6. It's their upbringing:) ... If their mom was a terrible cook, then everything tasted bad.  Or, if they just ate the same few meals when they were kids, they were never exposed to anything new.  Lots of people don't like vegetables, because all they've tasted are canned, over-cooked veggies......

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