
Why do people Buy big motorcycles?

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I just don't understand it and probably will never, why is it that people go out and buy the biggest motorcycles that they could find, never have rode one a day in their life and expect that they can handle a big bike?

Is it for the sake of having the biggest baddest bike? I have seen and heard about this way too many times, people end up getting hurt because they were too overconfident and impulsive when choosing a bike for the first time.It seems kinda dumb, why wouldn't they start out with a smaller bike and then when they feel confident and experienced enough they could always upgrade later on?

I myself bought my very first bike last year, I bought a 1985 Honda Rebel 250 cc from an auction on ebay, I feel confident enough , next year I am going to upgrade and get something a little bigger with a little more power, that will have given me 2 years driving experience on my rebel, anyone who is contemplating on getting a bike for the first time, a rebel makes a great starter bike.




  1. I don't know why some people bite off more than they can chew. I think a lot of these people don't truly realize the power that some of these bikes have. It may not seem much until you think that all  the power is is going to the ground via one wheel and is only pushin around 800+ lbs (for some bikes) and rider. It is way easy to lose control especially on any surface other than dry pavement. I just suppose that if they wreck a bike that was to much for them and they walk away from it OK then they might chalk it up to lesson learned and try something that is closer to their skill level. I'm afraid with fuel prices going the way they are we'll be seeing a lot more of this. All we can do for any newbies out there is lead by example and help in any way we can.

    Keep the shiny side up ! Hope your havin a great day...

  2. Sorry, but I have to say I disagree. THE BIKE DOES NOT RIDE ITSELF. Whatever bike I get on, it will only go as fast as I make it.

    I can have; bad road manners, lack of judgement, poor bike control, a badly maintained bike, lack of observation and heaps of stupidity just as easily on a 50cc as I can on a 1300.

    Yes, I can go faster on a bigger bike, but I don't have to.

    I ride a 1300 (not my first, I got knocked off that at a roundabout after a month on it) because it can stop as fast as it goes, I don't have to do risky overtakes because the bike has the power to just cruise past at it's leisure and it has more road presence than the bike I got knocked off (no one ever moved out of my way on that bike), amongst other reasons.

    There is nothing at all wrong with buying a smaller bike - whatever floats your boat, but equally, there is nothing wrong with having a big bad bike as a first motorcycle - so far I've found that the sort of people who are stupid on big bikes are far more stupid, and worse behaved on smaller machines as they have to try harder just to keep up with traffic flow.

    It's all down to the rider's mentality, the bike's not to blame.

    If (in the UK) they want to cut bike deaths, they should scrap the CBT and make everyone take the full test. Kids on scooters are far more of a liability that lunatics on motorbikes.

  3. why You want a bigger bike?

  4. I don't own a big, bad bike, so I couldn't tell you.

    I imagine it has to do with image and what their friend's are riding. Guys who ride the big Harleys frown on the guys who ride small Harleys, like me.

  5. Big egos.

  6. Very good observation, you know more accidents happen on these bikes because of the inexperienced guys going through their second childhood. They wouldn't be allowed to buy a jet and fly it with out proper training. Funny thing about life though, it weeds out stupid. I've been riding and flying for years accident free, so I know a thing or two about what I'm talking about.

  7. The physical size of the person is a factor why someone might start out with a bigger bike.

    A Honda Rebel 250cc wouldn't be very good starter bike for some guy who is 6'5" and 300lbs, so he may have to go to a much bigger bike which normally people wouldn't recommend for a beginner bike.

    You also have to be open minded that not every beginner is so incompetent that they don't know how to take it slow and easy on a bigger bike.  Some people may be more of a natural to riding than others.

  8. Why did you buy a rebel?

  9. Because that is the American Dream.

    In Japan, you actually have to start on a smal bike and have the license for X amount of years before you can upgrade to the next level. It takes about 10 years of riding experience to work you way up to a license for a 600cc bike. Here in the USA, where capitalism is king, people dont care about saving lives - they care about making money. So, a 16yo kid can go into a store and buy a Hayabusa 1300 if he has the financing for it...who cares if he kills himself on it?? We sold a bike, made the state some taxes and more money on licensing fees, and even more through taxes on the Insurance he had to buy, etc.

    Basically, it all boils down to MONEY in the end. Welcome to the American Dream. The kid dies happy, the companies are happy, the economy is happy.

  10. I agree.  New riders should start small and work their way up.  Many countries in the world even force you to do that through licensing ( you can only initially ride smaller displacement motorcycles when you pass your motorcycle license tests ).

  11. I agree with you Barbie, and some others too, BTW, whats up with that guy snoop, who left that kind of comment? You do not seem like the type of gal who would judge anyone, maybe hes jealous,LOL. I myself like big bikes, But I have rode them since I was a young teen, and as much as I love my big bike, I wish I could get better gas mileage like your little 250 cc, but I think I would look silly on a smaller bike. great question and well written, its only your opinion though  and no one should take it personally, this is not a third world country we live in, your entitled to your own opinion :), last I remembered we live in the USA,LOL!!!

  12. they are easier to maintain and a lot more comfortable to ride.

  13. so you bought a big ol explorer "in case" you needed the 4wd???

    well maybe some people buy big bikes "in case" they want to go touring.... who are you to judge, you're no better

  14. My first on was a 250 and so was the second one, just street legal. The third was a 450 and my new one is 750. A gap of a few years not riding had me worried I couldn't handle a 1100 but I am thinking now I should have bought one anyway.

  15. people are stupid and let their egos get ahead of them. That's the same reason we had the SUV boom in the 1990s and early 2000s.

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