
Why do people act like Polls are really accurate and actually..?

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mean something? YOU know anyone who has ever been polled?




  1. I have always been critical of “polls” for the same reason that Im critical of any so-called scientific analyses that is based solely on an extrapolation: it is a bastardization of scientific methodology.

    Opinion polls suffer from a major flaw:  people tend to tell a pollster what the pollster wants to hear and/or what they feel makes themselves sound good, descent and honorable. However when sealed off in a polling booth with only their own conscience accompanying them, their true nature emerges. This is why Californians, who are decidedly to the Left on nearly every major issue, actually voted overwhelmingly against affirmative action, taxpayer funded services to illegal immigrants and bilingual education. They could tell the pollsters one thing but vote their conscience immediately after.

    There is however a place for such polls. When gauging the views of a rather small and demographically homogenous group, they can be quite accurate. But once you expand the variables of the sample group and accuracy fades considerably.

  2. Poles  vary in their accuracy but a well designed poll reflects  public opinion with in the margin of error. However  this margin of err is  greater than the deciding difference in most elections  so they do not usually tell you who will win particularly this  far before an election since many people have not  decided who they will vote for.

    I have been polled on local issues and elections.

  3. You are right to be skeptical.  Most polls conducted by main stream media are done with an agenda.  They want to create news with poll results then report the results as news.

    I participated in telephone surveys which were actually push polls.  I made it a point not to vote for the candidate who was being "pushed."  Payback is sweet.

  4. I know huh?WHO ARE THESE NEWS NETWORKS POLLING?In my entire life life I have only been in one poll back in 2004,and it was local,for the mayor's race.I voted for the republican candidate he lost even thought the poll said he was gonna win by 20%

  5. I love hearing the Liberal Media touting the Latest Polls saying their boy is normal American will vote for a man and wife who have Farrakhan as a friend and supporter...its laughable really how people actually believe that fool obama can lead in any REAL,ACCURATE poll...

  6. I know...I heard where old people,conservatives and some other groups never answer Poll those blocks never get a hearing of their views....the "news" quotes polls that show that tool Obama any real person will actually vote to allow him to lead this country...they call who they want to skew those polls to show what they want them to...its a laugh...we will see when November comes around and Obama is a has been...he and the Wife can sit around and say"but the polls said I should have won"..HAHAHHAHAHAH

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