
Why do people act like idiots in front of people on purpose?

by  |  earlier

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Everywhere I go people are acting like idiots in front of me, and in front of other people. What does this mean?, and should I worry about this?




  1. If it bothers you..just ignore them. No need to's their problem not yours.

  2. maybe they want to be your friend

  3. They do it to try and act all hard for some ome to like them but there actually making them self look like a total t**t

  4. well if its a guy acting like an idiot in front of you then maybe he likes you.

  5. Apparently you are a very pretty young lady. I think I can safely assume that the "idiots" are young men trying to get your attention. This is a ritual that goes all the way back to the beginning of relationships between men and women. Don't worry about it girl the "idiots" will realize they aren't impressing you and try other tactics to get your attention. Be careful though the cleverest guy may be a creep that won't respect you and the klutziest that individual that will honor and love you forever.

  6. lol idiots are evrywher. It mean thy hav no life.

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