
Why do people admire tiger woods?

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Why do people admire tiger woods?




  1. because in addition to being the best golfer ever, he is also a great person.  He is smart and well spoken.  He is well educated.  I hear he is a very nice person.  He is funny.

    OH, and his wife is major league HOT!!!!

  2. because he is a young black man who dominates in a sport of old white men.  Tiger woods seems to be a pretty good guy compared to all the other stuck up rich glolfers.  He has an amazing talent.

  3. because hes a really good golfer

  4. idk he is the best that prolly would do it

  5. People admire Tiger for the same reason others despise him....because he is a great golfer.  Some people admire him and wonder what it is like to be as good as he is.  Some people dislike him because they are jealous and don't like others to succeed.

  6. If you have to ask that you probably: Don't have a TV.  Didn't finish grade school.  Or possibly are not among the living.  Check your pulse, if you don't have one go directly to the hospital.

  7. Because he is an amazing golfer. He makes lots of money and pampers himself. BUT he does good things with it too you should go to his official web site (just google it) you will see how amazing Tiger is.

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