
Why do people all over the world say "DEATH TO AMERICA" "AMERICANS ARE FILTHY DEAD MEAT" ? etc?

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I suppose everything has a reason.What is the reason in your mind? Could the whole world be wrong? I'm confused.The second motto is def true.Cuz WW3 which will be started by the American government soon will take America down before any other country, but I'm not so sure about the first motto? What are the reasons for the first one?




  1. The entire world doesn't say this, some people who are uninformed or are willing to make the US responsible for all that they are not able to obtain on their own say this. It's classic victimization. In many parts of the world local governments would rather let the US take them blame then let their constituents realize their own governments aren't taking care of their needs.

  2. If your entire family and friends were all murdered by a country's army you would have the same hatred towards that country.

    I don't think these people hate you and me as much as they hate our govt. and the military who have treated them like chess pieces.

  3. It's just talk. That's all that these little cowards, including you can do-talk. When they see the first American soldier coming for them they can't surrender and beg for mercy fast enough.

  4. Because America disrespects International law, disrupts the political process in other sovereign countries to advance their own economic interests and is criminally indifferent to civilian casualties caused by their Imperialism

  5. I wonder who are "these people" all over the world who are saying this?  Why categorized all Americans together into one lump? The reason for the first motto is the continuance of  hate-mongering.  Don't bet on the second.

  6. apparently they're just starved for attention and just aren't bright enough to get it any other way.....

    ....but you wouldn't know anything about that.......would you...?

  7. because the man we empowered as president chose the path of a war criminal and we the people haven't done anything to correct that error.

  8. It's a good thing for you that we Americans value free speech.  

    All the bad things America does

    1.  Stop communism (the Russians and Chinese only killed millions of their own people)

    2.  Feed the world's hungry (foreign aid)

    3.  Not only allow civil rights (free speech, freedom of religion, oppose torture,) but defends those principles with our lives and money.

    So live in your ignorant self centered universe and be grateful no one is pounding st your door trying to arrest you.

  9. Because the US government is super nosy.  They try to police other people and force countries to accept their version of "democracy."

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