
Why do people allow themselves to be brainwashed?

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In the US there is so much misinformation and lies that have been spread and so easily believed by the majority of the public and now it's happening in Britain. I see some attitudes on here which are absolutely disgusting and I cringe for some people because it has been so obvious that these people have been led to believe some ridiculous things. Why can't people think for themselves, rather than relying on mainstream media?




  1. Ask the America hating eurocunts who are on a constant diet of al jazeera and the bbc, oh're one of them. Nevermind.

  2. I agree.  The comments Biden made about Obama are grotesque.

  3. I appreciate you asking this but you need to read more.

    Several sources etc etc  

  4. How do you know you weren't brainwashed by the mainstream media, popular culture, societal pressures, etc to believe what you believe?

    What makes you so intellectually high and mighty?

    Who's to say the info you get isn't misinformation?

    Just food for thought. Since everyone relies on some source for information. Sometimes we all need to take an introspective look at our behaviors, thoughts and beliefs.

  5. some people want to be brainwashed

  6. The goverment main goal is to control the society in which it exist.

    This is done by creating cultural ideologies (An ideology is an organized collection of ideas.) these ideas are reinforced throught are life time.

    So we respond accordingley, are thoughts are moderated, and are a result of the enviroment in which we live.

    However Their are some exseption to this. That is some people do realise this, however the majority do not and that is the problem.

    Globelisation, commercialisation, materialism,

    Sad sad world

  7. Fear causes people, en mass, to do really stupid counter-productive things, not to mention the obvious...


  8. Most people are to lazy to actually research the facts themselves. The y would rather take whatever the media throws at them and blow it out of proportion, than actually have their own opinion.

  9. a lot of people think the media knows more than themselves and tend to be lead by that

  10. idk ask an obama supporter

  11. I reported you for an IP request suspicious activity report because of your answer about blowing up the White House.  The Muslims in the UK are just too radical to not consider it seriously.

  12. Because most people are stupid.

    And believe whatever they are told,

    do what they are told.

    And follow other people

    so they'll fit in etc.

    There are loads of examples of this in history,

    and it's gonna carry on.

  13. The truth of the matter is that they are unaware it is happening to them.

  14. This is a very well thought out question.  It's probably one of the greater and sensible questions I've ever come across.  

    You are absolutely right about all of this.  I have friends in various parts of Europe who feed me the news from over there too, and it never lines up with the US media and news.  We are constantly being fed a bunch of trash over here and that's why we are sometimes called "Stupid Americans" from others around the world.  

    Remember the guy who got fired from the NY Times for posting "graphic" material on the front cover?  It was taken about 4 years ago.  It was the picture of the two American soldiers' bodies being hung over a bridge in Iraq(correct me if I'm wrong, it could have been Afghanistan).  

    The point I'm trying to make is that countries overseas show almost EVERYTHING, while we are just blind puppets walking around in the eye of the hurricane without even knowing it.  

  15. The Americans for instance want to be brainwashed because they get a thrill from it.

    The other fact is that they are basically thick.

  16. The problem is that some select to be brainwashed. For example, 80% of conservatives vote for republicans. To be a relejous person does NOT mean to vote for republican wars such as that crab in Iraq. Christianity promores peace and republican party promotes wars.

  17. they dont realize the damage their doing to themselves so they just keep getting filled with horrible ideas.

  18. People are cognitive misors. Usually they don't have time or don't want to use the time to think information through and decide whether it's true or not so it's much easier to just take peoples word. I suggest you look up and read Plato's cave, it will explain real well about why people like to be susceptable to brain wash and will also explain how the wise resist it.

  19. Well, people are sheep.  FOX NEWS is a magnet for these sheep.  That is their problem if the can't tell they are being lied to.  

  20. Because most people tend to put their faith in media sources which support what they already believe, and reject those which don't agree with their opinions.  They're not usually willing to look at outlets which challenge their own beliefs.

  21. Klaatu barrata nicto. Too late.

    You used a verb with which I am unfamiliar:  think.  What does that mean?

    Have you seen the movie "Idiocracy"?  Don't.  It will depress you for weeks.

  22. No.

    Don't think so.

    No one is being brain washed.

    Just blunders and slip-ups with human errors created back in the past with self lack of knowledge in our youth without being aware of it being expose in time after the mystery of us -911.

    Luke 9.25,55-56,60

    Without even being aware on what went wrong out there being expose in time.

    Luke 8.5-8,10-17

    In kicking the butts of God in not worshiping God.

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    At loss on the definition of "Worshiping"

    When "Worshiping" is following instruction.

    Simple instruction do not even know how to follow in time.

    Getting ourselves kick on the butts in time

    John 7.19

    What do you think?

  23. Most people have other priorities. And before condemning them as intellectually lazy realize their priorities are often noble and sincere enough like feeding their kids, keeping their job or making sure they have healthcare. There's a well organized machine to keep people in the dark and this needs to be said a lot of misdirection and disinfo outside the mainstream media as well channeling those who do make the effort to new lies and control.

    More and more I believe by now the system is that good at keeping people occupied and confused it takes more than average intelligence to see through their lies and even then it's very much a struggle.

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