
Why do people always answer the shallow questions and not the really deep complicated ones?

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Why do people always answer the shallow questions and not the really deep complicated ones?




  1. I guess to earn a fast two points without having to think too much.

  2. Well, look around you. See if there're more deep thinkers than the shallow ones. You won't be surprised if shallow ones surpasses the deeper ones. Simply saying deep questions have fewer ans becoz they're fewer deep thinkers than the shallow ones.

  3. Well, that says something about how shallow and superficial and of course stupid most people are. Most people don't bother with stuff that requires them to use their brains even for a sec. I think there's a saying that goes something close to " People are more willing to pay to be entertained than to be educated".

  4. takes to long to answer

  5. I answer the deep one. It give me counseling practice.

    It me spread the Word.

    It allows my mind to function on a higher plane.

    I like being a smarty pants. :-)

    You got a deep question my sister?

  6. People dont' like taking the time to think out an answer. They'd rather get the question over with.

  7. The answer is in the word "shallow", as in "shallow minded".

  8. When I was a tutor in elementary school a few years ago there was a big Hum about that children should be taught to think for themselves. I think schools put so much pressure to just learn the facts, that unless parent encourage creative thinking and expression most people don't think deeply. And those that do, unless they are in a think tank or a creative job, find conflict with others who just don't understand them.

  9. Why do people always ask shallow questions and not really deep complicated ones?

  10. Because its easier to cope with the superficial ones than to really deal with the deeper, sometimes darker side of humanity.

  11. People dont want to face the more emotional ones they would rather take the eaiser road out.

  12. if they are like me then their just lazy...the shallow questions can be answered quite easily...the deeper ones need more thought.

  13. Wow, this question sure got a lot of responses. I'll dig really deep and say some, at least, can't type very well.

    I don't think it requires a particularly high level of intelligence to ponder and resolve deep questions for ourselves. Don't they typically ground in morals or instinct? Articulating ones ideas at Y/A might be a bit more difficult for some.

  14. Answering shallow questions requires less intellectual ability; therefore, those questions attract the most responses. Complicated questions, by nature, reduce the pool of responders.

  15. Because of the maladjusted children that give thumbs down or report the answers as abuse after you spend half an hour trying to give a thoughtful reply to one of those deep questions.

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