
Why do people always assume that people without parents are so much worse off than people with awful parents?

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I've been told so many times, "just be happy you HAVE a father." Well, thats stupid. Everyone assumes that just because they don't have a dad or their dad died that they have it so much worse. But what they don't understand is that there are people out there who have fathers that they wish they had never known. I personally think it's worse when you have a father, but not a dad. You know what I'm saying? It's like, everytime I tell anyone about some problems I'm having with my father, they just say, "Just be glad you have a dad." What do you think?




  1. Coming from a single mom for 14 years.  I got my boys the h**l outa there when they were 3 & 6.  I never bad-mouthed their dad - I actually always encouraged them to see him - and for 6 years drove them 2&1/2 hours every 3 weekends to visit him in the next state.  I knew that they would "see the light" eventually - but they saw it alot sooner than I expected.  What they needed thru the years was love and acceptance.  What they got was criticism - which they got before my taking them away.  THEY decided not to want to see him anymore.  He actually had alot to offer them - but he went about it the wrong way.  Are they glad they have a dad - yes and no - do they totally love ther mom - mistakes and all - yes.  I wish they had a dad - they're boys - but is every dad right for their kids - sorry but no.

  2. I think it's a matter of experiences.  You may have difficulties with your parent right now, but as you get older, wisdom comes and you realize that your parent is doing the best he can with the knowledge he has.

    My son has thanked me for doing te best I can with what I had.  As a parent, mom or dad, we can only do what we can.

    Don't get angry, just chalk it up to some people's experiences.

    Good luck!

  3. Being you haven't given us details on how horrible your dad really is, it could be that those problems you are having are trivial, or so those without a father think.

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