
Why do people always compare Harry Potter and Twilight?

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I mean is there some sort of law that forbids someone to like both of them. I mean come one. I absolutely love both of them. There is no comparison.

Your opinions?




  1. the reason that they always compare the two books is that they both have an unbelievably huge fan base ( of preteens, teens, and young adults, mostly) and that they are best sellers, plus they both have midnight parties, i don't know of any other books that have that. i like twilight a lot more but before twilight came out i used to be obsessed with HP. i mean I'M IN LOVE WITH THE TWILIGHT SERIES!

  2. I honestly love them both and there's nothing wrong with liking them both but some people happen to like one better than the other. It's just the way people are. There's no comparison between both of them except they are very popular and it is going to be made into a movie based on the popular book that people love to read.  

  3. i dont know why there compared... i love hp more than the twlight tho sry!

  4. You can't compare them they're two completely different stories. Harry Potter is about a wizard and all that and Twilight is about a girl falling in love with a vampire you can't compare that. Now if they were both about a wizard or both about a girl falling in love with a vampire then you can compare them. I really like both of them and I'm going to watch both of their movies when they come out.

  5. i dislike Harry Potter and have never heard of the Twilight series.

  6. I have read both book series.

    Nothing in common.

    not even a teeeny weeeny bitty bit.




  8. I have wondered this too.

    I mean, Harry Potter has movies!!  and they are very different ,UNIQUE.

    I actually like harry potter movies and twilight books.

  9. I don't know why. I wish that people would stop that already! I mean both are unique and really great series! I love them both! I just love Harry Potter a little more, and its just because its a touching story. I mean the last book is the saddest one and Twilight is about Love. But in my opinion I don' t compare them either. I mean two different authors, two different stories, ones from a boys perspective, the other a girls. They are different! And Harry Potter of course is more popular, because both boys and girls can read the series without shame that its a girls book. I love Twilight and Harry Potter! Can't wait for the upcoming movies!

  10. I love both of them!

  11. i think they mean about how they are such a big deal amongst people of all ages.

  12. ,omg.. i totally agree with you.. my bestfriend is in love with the ending of last year.. everybody started tlaking about twilight and the continuis books..she would be like eww..omg these people are so pathetic over this book..blah blah..and now..she is going insane...i really am getting annoyed and she keep saying how harry potter sucks and stuff..i CANT STAND IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i wish i could erase twilight from her mond!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  13. I don't know. People always do. Wizards against Vampires. Some people just like one better than the other. I with the vampires.

  14. thanks for the rude comment on my dress.its longer and not satin . plus it is black. if you like harry potter more why arent you mrs . harry potter

  15. I think you really can't compare any book to another, best seller or not.

    I like Harry Potter better, more entertaining for me :]

  16. Well, people who love Twilight thinks that Harry Potter sells too well, and its the same vice versa. Personally, I like Harry Potter better, but I haven't been offending Twilight lovers.

  17. People compare Harry Potter and Twilight because they are both fantasy series that are insanely popular among teens.  They are both long, well written, and everybody loves them.  So, people naturally make the connection.

  18. they are 2 completely different stories!!   So yea u cannot compare them....

    Both are very Awesome!!  But i think i like vampires better :D

  19. both are highly successful books... but it is a fact that harry potter appeals to more people... like from children to seniors, both men and women like it.... the twilight saga is more for just teen girls and women..

  20. Probably because before Twilight everyone thought there couldn't possibly be anything that compares to Harry Potter. But then all of the sudden as the Harry Potter series closes, Twilight comes into the spotlight. People begin to question if it could ever compare to HP. I think that nothing will ever take HP's place, even if I love Twilight so so so much.  

  21. I think people compare the two because if it weren't for j.k. rowling getting more teens into reading longer books twilight probably wouldn't have been such a big hit among teens.  I personally think that they are both very good books but hard to compare because they are so different.   Maybe they compare them because twilight s the most popular series among teens since harry potter.  It's a possibility.  I love them both.

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