
Why do people always complain about school?

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I do not understand why people always complain about school sure there is the work but you have to work to get anywhere in life.




  1. either theyre too lazy to actually do the work or they dont comprehend the subject if by nerd you mean person that actually cares about their future then you are a nerd which isnt a bad thing people just make it seem like it is....ima be a tenth grader.......and i agree work is good keeps you sharp then again...i actually understand the given work

  2. coz some people don't want to go there

  3. kids get bored easily.

  4. People don't feel like working when they don't want to and it's easier to complain and blame other people.

  5. Because public school is not what it used to be. Its more of a communist regime.

  6. Because teachers are smart asses who act like professors when they're really just MAs and MSs who drank their way through undergrad college and took the BS Praxis exam and a rubber stamp grad. degree since education programs water down programs to make room for nonsense education courses... It's hard to respect people who demand it without showing that they deserve it. No offense if you're a teacher -- I'm sure you touch children's lives and are perfect and wonderful.

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