
Why do people always criticize vegetarians?

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i've been a vegetarian for over a year and i know many people who inspire me that have been vegetarians for several years. I want to know why we are always being made fun of. We just eat differently and live a different life style. Its not like we are doing anything harmful to society. can someone possibly explain this to me?




  1. It's because people are scared of the "unknown" and because they don't understand

  2. People fear what they do not understand.

  3. Probably because so many vegetarians preach and try to convert everyone else! .....I've seen people on Yahoo Answers who brag about how they go up to people in the grocery store, and tell them why they shouldn't be buying meat, etc!  ... If vegetarians quietly went about their life, then people wouldn't bother them........*** EXAMPLE :  Read the question posted just before yours about a KFC demonstration

  4. These people fear the truth! It is a defence mechanism that the ignorant use within their group.

    All you have to remember is that you are right and they are wrong. You will live a long and healthy life whereas they will die of bottom cancer.

    I would rather be ridiculed about my beliefs for the rest of my life than eat meat. Remember the truth and be strong!

  5. Because people think that we are trying to brainwash them and going against the natural order of things. They are afraid of change. I've noticed that the people who make fun of vegetarians are generally the ones who do the same things throughout their entire lives.

  6. I enjoyed being a veggie but got a lot of negative comments.  I think it's mainly due to ignorance.  People are bought up thinking it's just a normal thing to eat meat and anyone who doesn't is seen as being weird (which is not the case!) They also don't have the restraint to stop eating meat so can't imagine a life without it or why others stop.  It's a personal and lifestyle choice and no one should criticise that.

  7. Closed-minded people are often critical of lifestyle practices they don't understand.

  8. I think that the criticism comes from being uncomfortable about it.  I am not a vegetarian, but I am not a big meat eater.  When I mention that to someone casually, I get responses like "Give me a big slab of meat."  I think it is lack of knowledge and understanding. Keep it up and don't worry about people who say silly things like that.

  9. I don't criticize at all and I'm a meat eater. I just don't get why vegetarians feel they need to act like their going to gag if they see someone eating meat (which is rude and vegetarians I've known and met did that) or feel they need to spread their ways like Jehovah Witnesses poping up at someones door on a sunday. I don't care at all but don't make me feel bad about enjoying ribs and having a barbeque. Everyone's different I agree.

  10. The way society is leading...;...

  11. Here is the truth, vegetarians are the truth!  You see the only reason that people eat meat is because schools and farmers and lawmakers tell butchers and grocers to SELL SELL SELL meats to keep butchers in business and to keep money in the governments pockets.  Most of the world doesnt own that much land to grow plants or to even raise livestock.  Therefore knowing this disadvantage and desire for convience, the government acts like it is doing meat eaters a favor by saying Meat is good for you, Its so tender, the freshest meat around, when really when you ask doctors, dieticians and other researchers they will tell you quite the opposite!  Meat is NEVER NEVER NEVER completely digested by humans, why WE are not carnivores, we dont have the stomachs of wild animals, and cooking meats makes the proteins even harder to digest.

    Being a vegetarian means that the government wont be able to make money off of selling meats.  however farmers also wont be able to make money because most of the world has been told that they need meat for vitamins, which is bogus considering that seeds and nuts contain far more digestable proteins and iron that any land MEAT IN THE WORLD.  Also fruits and vegetables contain more nutrients than any meat in the world.

    People criticize because they are jealous of health.  Health isnt easy to come by and for those making an effort its hard to look at someone who is a vegetarian or anyone who is attempting to take care of themself.  Vegetarians actually do harm society, but in a good way, they shed light and are living proof that a home grown meal of fruits and vegetables is actually great for you and you can still survive.  Society has always been based on who gets the most convience.  Eat meat and your considered wealthy, eating vegetables you are considered poor.  that stands true for societies of today and yesterday.

  12. because humans are afraid of things they do not understand.  and not eating the way the rest of at least 97% of the human population is very scarey to folks who tend to be like sheep or lemmings.

    i have been a veggie for more than 30 yrs now.  oh and to the young lady who thinks animals do not have souls - get a clue - they absolutely have souls - have you read the VEDAS?  if not - please do not go shooting your mouth off about things you know naught about.

    another common reason for folks being critical of veggies is that it makes them feel better about thier choice or lack of one or lack of education that keeps them from really making their own choices.  it's an EGO thing.  pray for them  :)

  13. Most of the time because they are associated with nut job organizations like PEATA.

  14. I never understood vegetarians. If people were to stop hunting/trapping animals, the farms would be destroyed and there would be no plants for the vegetarians. It's a good thing we don't all have the same beliefs.

    Also, not all vegetarians are open to other peoples beliefs, it's the ones who push their views on other Peta...that give vegetarians a bad rep. The Peta people are violent, anti-human, hypocritical and down right creepy.

    I have friends who are vegetarians for different reasons, one just hates the taste, one doesn't like to hurt animals, 1 did it because she thought it would help her lose weight, 1 did it for a while because she "didn't like hurting animals"...which made me want to smack her because she had just had an abortion...claiming "but the animals are already alive"

    Many vegetarians use soap, wear leather, eat jello, kill bugs/rodents......

    If you want to be a vegetarian, fine, but people will be annoyed with you if they catch you being a hypocrit.

  15. Because we are different, because people don't understand, and because people are cruel, cruel to each other and cruel to animals.

    You just have to try to ignore them and live your life the best you can:)

    Edit:  To the person above me, I am in this section all the time and I rarely ever see someone saying they are going up to people in the groc. store and saying things to them.  And the ones who do say that are usually trolls.

  16. because it is hard to have protien and alot of people want to lose weight but it is very hard not to because the most protein thing is in meat.

  17. becasue there are many vegetarians who tend to preach and are absolutely nuts (see question about animal testng below). faced with people like that, the kindest way to deal with them is to make fun of them.

    not all vegetarians are like that of course (you don't seem to be one) and these get the respect they deserve. others are just asking for it. if you attack somebody's way of life, what kind of response do you realisically expect?

    on the other hand, some people are just idiots (referring to omnis) and there is really not much you can do. these are the people who will criticize or make fun of anybody. perhaps to cover for their own failures, who really knows.

  18. I do not believe that you are ALWAYS being made fun of.

  19. Simply because it is different.  My friends think I'm stupid because I do something they dont, and if they are doing it, it must be the best.

  20. So many people live lives of quiet desperation (Thoreau) and they are basically sheeple zombies. They follow the herd. Since vegs are still a small percentage of the population, they threaten those who have made different choices. And somewhere deep inside, they know they're wrong but can't admit it! I have been a vegetarian for 23 years and it was really hard back in the day! Now it's practically hip, so just keep on keepin' on!

  21. I think a lot of it stems from human nature...people tend to fear those who are different from society's "status quo".

    If they are fearful or threatened by someone's lifestyle, they will tend to act really immature by making fun of, criticizing or putting down that person in order to make themselves feel better.

    It's a shame, but true. You just need to keep living your cruelty-free life with pride and try to forget about the others who are unkind and narrow minded.

  22. being a vegetarian is something that takes alot of effort and for you to be willing to give up something such as meat is a great accomplishment i must say but for others who can't do such a thing they judge it because they are not used to it almost evryone in this world is brought up eating meat so its what they know but who cares what other people say or think being a vegetarian is awsome!

  23. I myself don't understand why some people are vegetarians. I believe it is great to become a vegetarian for health reasons- that you just want to eat better or lose weight. But what I don't support is people not eating meat because they feel bad for the animals that are eaten. Animals do not have souls. Yes, they are killed, but that doesn't mean that they are being wasted. That's why it is called the food chain. It is the natural way of life. Animals feed BILLIONS of people every year. They are a HUGE source of food.

  24. I'd say it's generally out of ignorance and the fact that most people don't see it as the "normal" way to eat. Sadly, anyone who is the least bit "different" seems subject to ridicule. My kids and I have been fortunate thus far and have not run into any negativity, but we've only been veg for about 4 months now.

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