
Why do people always doubt on me?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 14 .. and people make fun of me call me lots of names and yeah I ignore them and I was gonna play sports and get a scholorship .. but I found out that I have a heart problem and I can't do nothing ... I'm 14 a male and I feel very bad and sad&angry at the same time .. What can I do to feel better?




  1. i dont hav anydoubt on u :) U CAN DO IT !!! XD !!! GOGOGO

  2. Buy a grammar textbook. Please, for our sakes. Think of the children.


    Oh, come off it. When you post something like "doubt on me" or "can't do nothing," what else am I supposed to do? Everybody has S**t to deal with. Everyone feels sad and angry. But that does not give them the excuse to go around whining on the Internet and using bad grammar.

  3. I'm so sorry people call you names.  Good for you for ignoring them.  

    The good news is you found out about your condition now while you are still young. You have 4 years to come up some other way to get a scholarship or make other plans.  Is there anything else you enjoy besides sports?  Anything else you are good at?  Try to make the best of the cards life has dealt you.  Good luck to you!

  4. my best friend's kind of the same way. i'd say... just try to enjoy life with some good friends [its good you're ignoring the others]

    and if you find yourself complaining about something, tell yourself that you have to find one good thing about it.

    like with the heart condition/sports, there must be an upside to that. more time to hang with friends, arts, etc.

    good luck and try not to dwell on the bad things. ohh and don't give the ppl who are trying to help you a hard time :P

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