
Why do people always get mad at you when they own you money?

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Why do people always get mad at you when they own you money?




  1. i've been through that situation.i loaned this person some money and the closer the time came to pay me back, the more he tried to pick arguments and such with me. he ended up not paying me, so i made him even madder by taking it out in trade with his girl friend (with her consent, her not knowing of said loan)

  2. They don't want to pay you back

  3. That's not always the case. My " friend" and her husband borrowed $150 from me. I later got told the husband didn't feel they should pay it back. My dear, dear friend thought life should just go on as normal. I was the mad one and they didn't GET it!

  4. LOL! Oh sad but so was easy for them to borrow...but oh how they hate paying I have learned and no longer lend money and keep my friends.

  5. Well, they don't own my money, ha ha ,  but my good friend that owes me a couple hundred bucks still hasn't paid me back. Must be why I don't see him around huh. Well, live and learn, and 200 won't kill the bank,as I have always learned , never loan a friend unless you can afford to LOOSE it. Funny how that works.

  6. Because they feel like losers when you "remind" them or ask them for the money back.  They know that the lame excuses as to why they can't pay you back is stupid even to them.

  7. or get mad at you when the money tree is bare and you can't pull it out of your @ss!

  8. cuz they dont want to pay

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