
Why do people always hate skinny people?

by Guest208  |  earlier

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I'm 5'10 and 125 pounds. Henceforth, i am skinny. People in my school and life in general assume that just because I'm skinny that I don't eat anything, which isn't true. I eat healthy and I exercise because my health is a top priority to me. I actually just read a question that someone answered that said "skinny isn't pretty". In fact I was coming out from a movie theater and some short girl like 5'4 and probably 160 pounds was standing idle behind the door. I didn't see her and accidentally hit her. After I apologized profusely she was like "why don't you go eat some real food skinny bi*ch". I mean when I see a large person walking around with Mcdonalds i dont say "drop the Big Mac fattie!" I just don't understand why people have become so opposed to skinny. Even if people are just genetically skinny.




  1. Ah... true words. At my first uni, being a 5"9, 110lb woman really made me stick out in the south of Wales, I can tell you. I heard it all: 'walking skeleton', 'skinny b****', 'bag of bones' - as with all verbal bullying, you've got to learn how to ignore their petty comments.

    Take heart in the fact that random abusive comments made by fat people 99.9% of the time mean they're madly jealous of your fabulous figure. Be flattered!!! Thin is super hot.

  2.  People are just extremely jealous!  I get told all the time to eat, that I'm anorexic, and all this c**p.  It pisses me off.  It seems like everyone is nice to the fat girls and feel bad for them all the time when things go wrong.  When things go wrong with the skinny girl; the fat, jealous b*****s, get happy.  That is just the way it goes.  I'm 5 9, 118lbs.  I used to be a model for Elite and I'm in the Air Force now.  I get attention everywhere I go and people are always going to be jealous. I'm 32 now and am still skinny and eat all the time.  I guess I would rather them be jealous than to have to buy new clothes every 6 months because my butt keeps getting bigger like theirs.  The guys are cool though.  That's why I only have really good friends.

  3. I am 5'9" and 120 pounds.  I totally understand!  I am constantly harrassed by family and coworkers that I need to gain weight.  I eat very healthy and I  have been slim my whole life.  I get nasty comments said to me "well you are so skinny, but at least you have curves."  What is that supposed to mean?  Why am I discriminated against because I have a slim body?  People at my work bring food and vendors bring food.  I don't always eat it because I may not want it because it is usually very unhealthy.  Just yesterday someone made the comment with a full mouth of food, "Oh, I wish I had the willpower of Angela."  How rude!!  Fat people need to realize that you can be naturally thin and healthy.  How about if I said comments to everyone in my office about how fat they are.  I am sure that would not be okay, but to them its okay to harrass me?

  4. skinny people always get told ewwww eat more or errrrr look how thin u r well f*k em as long as ur eating then ballssss to them I say I'm skinny and I'm finding it hard to gain weight I'd love to have curves in fact I'm jelous of the curvy people :/ x

  5. It is due to jealousy.  They are jealous of the results of our self control and/or good genes.  Most people just eat too much and that is why they are fat.  People don't really need so much food to survive.  The media lies about all the food we need.  You want to lose weight?  Eat a super light breakfast and lunch and a good dinner late in the evening.  Your body will be burning your fat most of the day.  I have lost 5 pounds over the last week from this.  This morning, I had a piece of toast and coffee, for lunch I'll have half a tuna sandwich (one slice of toast w/tuna, lettuce, tomato) and for dinner I'll go out around 7 or 8.  That's eat.  Stop being pigs fat people and stop your hate.

  6. Fat people hate skinny people that don't like them, so mostly everyone with  brains.

  7. im skinny, so what p***y...enjoy this s**t, cause when were older...were gonna be fat asses cause welle always think we can eat as much as we want

  8. ha why would you care if fat people make fun of you. Your in shape and thin! so F*ck yeah good for you. you should be the one making fun of them Duddddeee.

  9. If you like this question search "Why are so many Mexican sexual predators?" ^_^

  10. you just said it !!! drop the bag fatty. you can stuff your face and not get fat !!

  11. Honey, I am 37 yrs old. I have had children. I am 5'4 and 94 lbs. I absolutely hear what you are saying. Here's the thing, though, it will probably not change for you, so you really have limited options. You can take them all very seriously and waste half your life not doing what you want for fear of their opinions, OR you can recognize that only angry, hurt people intentionally hurt others and let them go. There is nothing wrong with you. Just be careful in parking lots, I swear that larger women drive faster when they see me walking across. ;)

  12. I think you are all twats

  13. People are mean to skinny people ALL the time. 3/4 of America are now clinically obese, anyone at a normal weight gets the "evil fish eye" even walking down the street, joggers and runners and bicyclists get snickered at, large girls sneer at thin girls in department stores as they try and find clothes that fit. Soooo basically skinny people take up 1/4th of this country, we're a dying breed here, and it seems like we're ALWAYS called anorexic or being screamed at to eat more, etc.

    By the way, for thin and lean people to automatically be sickened by fat people is a survival mechanism. What would happen if the end of the world struck? Well thin and fit people WOULD survive, fatties who need assistance walking and breathing simply wouldn't, natural selection would allow the fittest to continue. Oh, AND it severely sickens me when I see fatties taking the automated chairs in stores because they can't f*****g walk because of their copious body mass and forcing people with ACTUAL REAL medical conditions to f*****g walk. Oh excuse me U.S. Iraq veteran who had his leg shot off defending us, I need that automated chair because I weigh 400 pounds coz I don't know when to NOT shove food down my face.

  14. people are mean to overweight people, not skinny

  15. I don't hate skinny people. I just wish I could be like them. XD That person sounded nasty, though. I have skinny/ normal weight friends (my 2 best friends who are my age [12] are 80 and 90 pounds!) and I have nothing against them. They're nice, fun, and they don't make fun of me! I have another best friend who is around my weight, and she is also nice. People are too judgmental. The boys in my grade are a little cruel. Some of them just go out with girls who they think are "pretty", and, therefore, their relationships don't last long. I think they are just jealous. Ignore people who bash you, and get you down. Be proud of who you are! ;)

  16. 'um, what world do you live in? ppl are mean to overweight people, not skinny peole. that one lady was just being mean, not a typical case'

    I have you know that it IS typical, i cant go out for the evening withought someone saying something nasty to me about it. all this real women arnt size 0 real women have curves stuff does my head in, what if your just thin. NO-ONE DESERVES ABUSE FOR STEPPING OUT THE DOOR! its not ok to say gosh you look like youd fly away in a strong breeze any more than it is ok to say gosh get any heavyer youd go through the floor. People are judgmental and nasty to you if your size 2 or 20, short or tall, the short answer is ppl are nasty

  17. you should be happy that you are skinny and cherish it while it lasts; i was 120 at one point and now its a different ball game. as for people, who cares about what others think, if i had a nickle for every time someone thought something of me; i would be a millionaire... so live your life as you want and how you want and just be happy.

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