
Why do people always have a problem with women who breastfeed their baby? (by saying they are too big)?

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my child is 4 months and everyone complains she is so big or shes too big and i need to stop breastfeeding. i dont feel its their concern.




  1. My friend started asking me at like 9 months when I was going to wean my son...he is 2.5 years old and still wants to nurse to sleep. I don't think there is a problem with still nursing him a little at his age. There are kids that are 3 and 4 years old still slurping on a bottle....

    I think it is rude of people to tell me that I am wrong because it does not mesh with thier beliefs. I am discreet whenever I nurse him in public. If you don't like it, and think it is gross, then avert your eyes. If the good Lord didn't want me to nurse my baby he would not have made it possible.

  2. If they didn't do it in public I wouldn't have such a problem with it.

    But when I see it, it's disgusting.

  3. how can anyone call it 'disgusting' its totally natural and i wouldnt feed my baby anything else!!

    so yeah what exactly do people find so bad??

  4. I'm not sure what "people" are sayin it.

    I have never ever ever in all my nearly 60 years heard any people complain specifically about a breastfeeding woman's b*****s being too big.

    I have heard people say they felt embarassed by seeing a woman breastfeeding in public, but hopefully the tide has changed on that and discrete behavior isn't met with stares and blushes.

    Never heard anything about they are "too big" though.

    Not sure where you heard that, either.

  5. what do you mean too big. I think people need to mind their own business about other mothers choice of how to feed their baby. Fair enough give advice if its asked for but other than that there is really no need to discuss the is breast best topic? I dont think anyone disagrees it isnt but for various reasons some mums choose not to breast feed and that is completely their right. Im intending to try when i have mine but because its my choice.

  6. I personally think that if the child has teeth and is able to digest solid food that he is "too big" too old to be breast fed. However I wouldn't be rude or jusde anyone for the choices they make on that matter. ...

  7. big on what??? I dont have a problem on breastfeeding.

  8. As long as she is healthy and in ratio for her height, weight, and age, who cares what they think (I would tell them to **** off). It's not like your pumping steroids into her or something, their are far worse things you could do then (god forbid) feed your child. I don't have a problem with breastfeeding moms, in public or otherwise, I probably would breastfeed in public (from the breast, I probably would from the bottle) because of my own embrassment, but I wouldn't not breastfeed because of what others thought.

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