
Why do people always say "I could care less"?

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When what they really mean is "I could not care less" or 'I couldn't care less". d**n it bugs me.




  1. people are dumb! the right way is: I COULDN'T CARE LESS! i hope this makes sense to you now, sheeeesh.

  2. For the same way people get hung up on it,Either way it is a correct sentence.That is the important part.

  3. People say it becuse hey don't know the origin of the phrase.  They hear it said, and repeat it.  Someone must have originally misheard the phrase, and has passed it along.

    It could also be a matter of poor diction.

    Equally annoying is the phrase "same difference", which people say when they mean "it's the same thing".  The two phrases contradict each other, but people still continue to insist that "same difference" means the same thing as "it's the same thing".

  4. I have noticed that, too.  It would make more sense to say, "I COULDN'T care less."  If you really don't care about something, then saying you couldn't care less would be a good way of expressing that.

  5. It's meant to be a sarcastic remark. As in "I care so little, but really, I guess I could care a little less."

    Has nothing to do with people being lazy.

  6. It's coz like they're you know, like lazy, you know?

    I hate misuse of the English language as well.

  7. god, i i know what you mean.  i think people got lazy and started saying "i could care less", and now a lot of people think that's just the phrase... and for some reason don't think about what it means

  8. It bugs me too. I think it's either:

    a. lazy-ness

    b. sarcasm

  9. because they can

    they can care less if u like it or not

  10. My father used to hate that as well. He hated a lot of grammatical errors, and god help you if you said, "irregardless". Also, if you said to him, "hi there!" he'd say, "where??"

  11. It is irritating -- but I think the people who say that aren't listening.  I have also heard people say "it takes two to tangle"   -- huh?  And it is "whipped cream" people, not "whoop cream". People don't listen.

  12. The correct term is, "I couldn't care less."  It means just that, you can't possibly care any less than you do.

    Now, "I could care less" implies that you care right now, but you COULD care less, which doesn't make sense.

  13. It bugs me also.  "I could care less" really means why bother asking me, I don't have a mind anyway.  It shows your mentality.  Another example:  When you ask a waitress or waiter for more water, their reply is "no problem".  What happen to " I would be glad to get that for you". Your tip could be much higher..  Another example:  When someone is trying to make a point and they say "If you will?" and then end the sentence.  hmm what does that mean?  I think people are getting very lazy in the English language, and proper grammer.

  14. I say that all the time. It means what it says. I could care less.

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