
Why do people always say the stupidest things to serious questions?

by  |  earlier

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  1. i guess because they don't have a smart answers to give or they  just want to be smart asses

  2. they want attention and/or are smart asses.

  3. I don't know,But I know it make them feel bad after reading the response.Like I just got a violation.I'm sad.

  4. they might not know it's serious question

  5. Why dont u ask urself, u seem to know.

  6. Because they can't think of a logical educated answer and instead of skipping the question they act like an ***

  7. I think people say the stupidest things because they are nervouse if they might be yelled at or something for responding too slowly or not at all knowing the answer.

  8. because they don't know any thing better to say

  9. trying to be funny...which its NOT (most of the time :])

  10. They might be poitn earners, which means that are only interested in gaining points. I personally don't see th point in doing it thoug becasue I don't really feel that gain Y! Answers points gets you anything.

  11. i feel that that is a matter of opinion.  I often find that people misunderstand my answer or where it is coming from, because everyone is wired differently, which is why we all have different opinion, and which is also why what may sound stupid to you may sound interesting, or smart to me.  Next time you feel like something is a stupid answer, just ask them how they came up with that before you decide it is stupid..

  12. define stupid

  13. because they dont know it hahah your funny

  14. Your question is not stupid. Some people don't seem to care what they say. I sometimes don't even know what the person is trying to ask. Some people need to learn how to spell.

  15. ok, just so i can summerize what everyone said

    just so they don't have to make a huge deal out of it since they are dumbasses.

    that answer you question?

  16. Well, it's all relative, right? What might seem really serious to one person because they are emotionally involved in the situation or lack experience in the world, really seems like a no-brainer to many other people.

    Now, if you're just talking about point-gainers, they are just here to give people a hard time and get as many points in as short amount of time as possible.

    Now can I have two points?

  17. why do some people ask stupid questions?

  18. They think they are trying to be funny.

  19. I dunno...

    is this a stupid answer?? :P

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