
Why do people always say when a famous person dies they went too soon?

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i mean if gary glitter died in 1977 everybody would have said oh what a shame he went too soon just think of all the great songs we have missed out on. but no kids in vietnam would have got raped if he has died

how do we know what health ledger might have done in years to come - he might have died right on time




  1. Rod Hull is the perfect example.

    He was only in his late 70's *sniff*

  2. well some people have high respects for movie stars or celebrates and would've wanted to see more of what that person could've offered. so it is hard for some people to imagine the person they most admired is gone forever. like bernie mac he was really funny to me, so it sucks that i'll never see him do anything new and funny again. hope this helps!

  3. some of them did not go soon enough.

  4. I never say it, but a very good question  

  5. they wanted him for eternity and they say like "men he died to soon" its cause they miss him like the comedian:bearnie mac

  6. They have nothing better to say about the person?

  7. No, I don't think they would, I don't think anybody  ever thought Gary Glitter was ever known for great songs!

  8. because they r famous and everyone loves them dahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

  9. Leave the dead alone man.

    Pople had aspirations and high expectations for heath ledger and no one knows what would've happend.

    as for glitter, he is a ****

  10. In his case (gary glitter) I would say he didn't go soon enough.

  11. I guess because ordinary people are insignificant.?

  12. he was only in his 30s or something.... he was so young, thats why its a shame

  13. Why are you mentioning Glitter? The prick is a pedophile and needs to be dead NOW if not sooner. As to people commenting on celeb deaths, they mean that they will miss whoever it is.

  14. umm i don't know? common courtesy? nobody wants to see anyone die! we all wish we could live forever, duh!  

  15. I think that's a disrespectful question for you to ask. When you care about someone, you will always believe that they died too soon, because you regret all the time you will miss with them. What's so hard to understand about that? Maybe you don't know anyone who has passed away.

    Heath Ledger touched a lot of people's lives... family, friends, people in Hollywood, and all of his fans who love his work. His is missed because he was an amazing actor, and to people he knew probably a great friend or loved family member. So to say he died "right on time" when he was so young is very rude and ignorant.

  16. They pretty much say that anytime someone dies

  17. Well, his death was so sad because he was so young, and he had such a young daughter. It was just so sad because it could've been prevented, I think, and he made so many great movies.

  18. Thats how humans are

  19. no one wants o a famous person to die, unless they're not liked than its just to make them sound better  

  20. It's always sad when someone dies young.  It's not said only of famous people - I don't know if that's what you meant, or just what some of the other people answering inferred.

    One assumes they won't turn into paedophiles, so it's a very strange question - do you actually think it's good when someone dies young, just because there's a small possibility that they will turn out to do something terrible later?

  21. god calls people home when it's time, they go when its time for them to go. Theres a plan for everyone, and heath ledger died b/c he was supposed to.

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