
Why do people always stereotype italians as mobsters or mafia members?

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I'm all italian and so is my family mostly. I don't know why people tend to always stereotype italians as mobsters or being in the mafia because my family certainly isn't involved with it. Please explain your stereotype of an italian.




  1. Stereotypes exist for a reason, a lot of people personify them.  That is why.

  2. why do people stereotype all blacks as being gangbangers?

  3. Maybe I say this because I know many, many Italians, but I think the stereotype is slowly dying out.

  4. Well look at how smart they are if they came from a place so beautiful where the sea was blue and the sun clear with the winds breeze as crisp as nothing else they would have some idea how good a soul is to feel for inside the italians are just that and others can feel that yet they are unable to reach just what they sense and this is why they seem that way to you, only if they could reach deep down inside they would return to the place of their peace  

  5. The entire concept of the mafia is Italian. The Italian Mafia has had a great deal of influence over Italian politics and life throughout Italy. It's not that every Italian is mafia, but all mafiosos are Italian. The Italian Mafia has run much of organized crime in America.  

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