
Why do people always tries to control others? I see that happening in every field and at every relationships?

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This will only cause damage to both the parties and lose out to overlook such people or how to handle them..




  1. IT is I think human nature to try and control your surroundings!! And those in it!! To have control gives most ppl the confidence they need to make their life the way they want it and for most others it is just the power of knowing they can tell others what to do!!!!!!!!!!! The sane ppl in our world know and realize that you don't control life... It controls you and all is weaved together by fate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Ever notice how someone will think they have things controlled then something throws a wrench into it?????? Thats life!!  I overlook them as best I can by just knowing that life is good without these ppl getting their way!!! To give in to a controller just makes it worse cause they think they can get away with it!! I know that my way of getting around it is by stating to myself that I am not the type of person to be bullied. that I am strong and  that they feel like they have to be in control to make their world right I am rambling!!!!!!!!!!!!  

  2. I think people try to control others because on some level consciously or unconsciously they can't control their own lives or what is happening in their lives. make up for that they try to control others. It's similar to the school yard bully--he/she is living a miserable life, so he picks on or beats up on others.

    How to handle them, that's tougher. If you can keep in mind why they act this way, this knowledge will make you stronger to protect yourself.  Meaning, it's more about them than your faults. You can't change them, only how you respond, get away from them if you can.

    Example: A man gets yelled at by his boss. He can't yell back, or he might get fired. He feels as if he has no power or control in this situation, he's stuck.

    He goes home and kicks the dog for barking, or yells at or hits his wife because dinner is late. He now feels on some level a FALSE sense of power or control.

    Hope this helps!

  3. Why do people always try to control others?

    It is the ego and selfishness that makes people want to control others.  Ego because it makes them feel better, bigger or smarter than the other person, and selfishness because it is always about how THEY feel, rather than how the other person feels or what is best for that person.

    In this situation you have to learn to know what your limits are and set firm boundaries as to what behaviour you will accept from others, then let them know when they cross those boundaries by saying something to them.  If someone is a bully you can try to ignore their behaviour until it becomes too much and then you will need to let them know that you will not tolerate their behaviour.  Lastly you can avoid them altogether and have nothing to do with them.

  4. Because most "people"have the instinctive need to dominate others especially men.

    It the world it is "control or be controlled" "serve or be served".

    Those who control have power,women,respect and have the highest chance of survival unlike those beneath them who get only bread crums because they are are looked upon as weak or inadequate

    Many men control their wives at every step because they are insecure and fear that they will lose them because they think they are not good enough for their wives to be loyal to them.

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