
Why do people always want to fight the status quo?

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Whats wrong with peaceful existance.




  1. Status Quo often refers to ineffective behaviors repeated over and over with everyone complaining and hoping the same act will eventually have a better result. People who go against the grain and seek a solution may be tired of all the complaining, or maybe they want to be successful and move on to better challenges, but status quo must be fixed before improvement can be achieved.

  2. status quo=present situation. seems peaceful to you? look around, there's tension everywhere because people won't go with the flow...and it's normal. why should anyone show no resistance to what's happening to them? if no one fought for / against would be pretty dull :))

  3. It's in a way being lazy. Shouldn't you always strive to be better...?

  4. You assume the status quo is peaceful - it is not, ergo, people should change it.

  5. Because inequalites are brutalizing for us all  - Maybe for the sake of a quiet life we should have stayed peacefully with hanging children at seven years old and sending children of 5 down the mines and non-landowners not having a vote.

    -being deported for being hungry and stealing a crust of bread?

    Every peaceful moment give thanks for those who fought to get it for you and still go on fighting for the civilization of humanity.

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