
Why do people always want to know things about other people?

by  |  earlier

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Why, Why, Why, do a lot of people have there nose in someone elsess his life?




  1. Yeah, I know what you talking about! Its really irritating though! Yuk!

  2. i think its something to do with not knowing what they are meant to do with themselves or their lives,they look in on others lives to some how give themselves direction,they watch & copy because they are useless,.....or something like that,if ya know what i mean!

  3. i think that they just want to compare what they think or do, to what they themselves think or do.

    trying to build a connection on whats normal i suppose.

    also others opinions usually help A LOT when making a decision.

    really i have no idea, but thats what i would think.

  4. if you are more interested in other peoples life and what they do.  then you do not have to look at yourself and deal with what is wrond with yourself.  it is not about the people they are judging.  it is all about not looking in the mirror.

  5. Human nature.

  6. They're nosy. I have learned to never say anything I wouldn't want to be known on the nightly news.

  7. Familiarity breeds contempt.

  8. because people often feel upset about their problems so they try and find out other ppls problems so they can feel human about them selves. its human naturee

  9. I think people are just inquisitive by nature.

  10. why do you want to know?

  11. ppl do that bcoz  they r trying to find something in others to criticize  in order to feel  better about themselves or bcoz they r curios to kno more about someone

  12. I'm a people and couldn't care less about someone else's life.  If you observe people for some time, their behaviors become very transparent and predictable - it's not exactly rocket science ~

  13. Let me add that we don't want to know about  the other person's success.  We want to know dirt on other people so we can feel smug.

  14. Because people are curious, and it's a way of getting to know other people.  The more you know about someone; the more you can tell what that person is like.

  15. I think people want to try to find something else in somebody that maybe they can relate to or connect with - having something in common to make a new friend, etc.

  16. I think its because lots of people are just nosy and eager to

    know things.

  17. Well I do because I want to help. I want to know how people are feeling and how I can help.

  18. it´s better to talk about other´s people problems, than your owns..

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